🦋He doesn't need a guilt trip🦋

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❤I have officially finished the other fan fiction I was working on.
So now this is the only fiction I need to complete lol.

Alsooooo I got another job ✌ so my updates might be a little slower but I'll try not to take forever lol.


𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰:

Bakugo was baffled.
He felt  mix emotions, sadness and anger.
Angry that the nerd kept this to himself, and sad because not only did he just found out someone he thought of as family was dead, but also because the son of that person didn't trust him enough to tell him sooner.

While on the other hand Kirishima felt a wave of guilt and sadness.
He felt guilty because he felt like he cause Mido to relive his mothers death by having to tell them she was even dead in the first place.
And sadness because he knew his boyfriend saw Mrs. Midoriya as a second mother even if they had their differences.
All he wanted right now was to hug both his boyfriend and crush in till they were happy again.
Sadly he could only do that with one of them and he's currently zoned out to deep in thought.

So with one finally breath the red head decided to speak up.


Before Eijiro could even say a full sentence the blonde ended up flinching and falling back on the nurse bed.

"Are you ok!? "

The red head asked quickly running to his boyfriends aid.

"I'm fine Ei. "

The blonde answered coldly.
It's not that he meant to sound so distant, he just didn't want to cry and in order to do that he shut down his emotions.

"We should get going before they close to the school while we're still in it. "

Bakugo stated, standing back up and gently grabbing his boyfriends hand and leading him out side.



We eventually got into my bedroom, of course out of all days everyone decided they should talk to us.
I don't even remember what they wanted to talk about, I'm sure it wasn't that important.
Luckily they eventually got the idea that me and Kat didn't want to talk to anyone, especially Kat.

After I made sure my door was locked for like the third time I finally decided to speak up again.


"I don't wanna talk about Ei. "

"Well that to bad because your gonna rather you like it or not. "

I declared walking closer to him, he was currently  laying on my bed looking up at the ceiling that was in till I spoke up.
Now he was glaring at me, and using his elbows to prop half his body up.

"Now you lis-"

"No you listen! "
"I'm not letting you shut me out. "

"Everytime something bad happens something in that messed up brain of yours believes you should block everyone out and deal with it on your own. "

"But guess what your not alone! "
"You have me. "
"And no matter what you say I'm not gonna just run away because I love you! "

"So like I was trying to ask before.... "

"Are you ok? "

"And I don't want a bullshit answer tell me the truth. "

At some point of my declaration I ended up sitting next to him while holding out my arms.

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