🦋A four letter word.🦋

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Alright here I go again with another story🤪.
Hope y'all enjoy it, and remember please don't be mean, but constructive criticism is alright😝.



It's just a four letter word.
But the meaning behind that four letter word is so much deeper.
Everyone is always looking for it rather they have it or not.
We all take it for granted without meaning too.
Sometimes it can be right in front us but we never truly know till it's too late.

Sorry I'm rambling on y'all are probably confused.
Well let me take you back to a not so sunny day.
To the day when it all began.

"Deku have you finished unpacking?"

Ochaco asked me plopping herself on my bed.

"Yep, pretty much I just have to grab a couple more things from my mom's place then I will be done. But I can do that tomorrow".

I stated giving her a Smile and and a thumbs-up.

Ochaco gave me a huge grin.

"Great let's go down the kitchen I'm starving".

She half ordered, hopping off my bed and being already half way out my door.
By the time I caught up she was pressing the elevator button.
As the Elevator came to a stop I smelt burnt carmal?
When the elevator door opened I caught a glanced of a tall ash blond leaning against the wall waiting for the doors to fully open.

"K-Kachan, nice to see you"

I greeted gaining butterflies in my stomach.
That's weird.

"tch, Can't say the same about you, you damn nerd".

Kachan responded shoving pass me.

"Hey! You could be nicer."
"He saved your life after all".

Ochaco half yelled at Kacchan, which caused all his movement to disease.
Oh no.

"What ya say to me you damn extra"??!!!

Kacchan yelled ,the echo in the hallway making his voice sound even louder then it already is.

"You heard me!"
"Deku may put up with your crap but I won't".

Ochaco stated crossing both her arms.

"I'm gonna pound ya into a pulse round face!"

Kacchan yelled running towards her, his explosions already crackling in the air.

3𝚛𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗 𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚠:

Bakugo leaped in the air, sparks already coming out of his hands.
As he aimed his attack towards ochaco, Izuku stepped in front of her and took the blow.
Everything seemed blurry as the smoke started to clear all Izuku heard was ochaco screaming at the explosive blonde.
Katsuki couldn't help but looked down at izuku's helpless body,
His eyes showing terror and remorse but also anger but not at Izuku or anyone else more at himself.
The final thing Izuku saw was his other classmates running out of the elevator gasping at the horrific sight.

Izuku lying on the ground blood oozing out of his head with burn marks on his neck and chest.
While Ochako and Bakugo yelled at one another.
Eventually Izuku let his heavy eyelids fall back allowing sleep to consume him.

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