Chapter 1

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"Ana clean up this damn mess!" My father screamed at me as he pulled me into the kitchen. My knees scraped the floor as I cried for him to let me go.
I had tried to run from him but he had much longer legs then I.

"YOU DID THIS!" He screamed smacking my face making me fall to the floor in front of my mother who was holding her head from the wound he gave her by hitting her head with the gun he had.

"Nolan stop!" My mom cried looking up at him but that didn't change anything. He set his eyes on her and I knew it wouldn't be good. I jumped in front of my mother fast and watched as my father brought his gun down onto my head knocking me out cold. 

I felt arms was around me as my body was lifted up. My head was spinning but I still made my eyes open through the pain. I looked up to see my father carrying me with a mean look on his face. He took me to my room throwing me on my bed before he turned and closed the door leaving me in the darkness.

I heard screaming and I knew it was my mother. Tears went down my face as I realized he was hurting her again. She never would tell me how just that he hurt her till she stopped crying.

I remember once I woke up and she had bruises all over her neck and some on her wrist. I never wanted to know what pain she went through and I hated that she went through it.

"Please." I said softly begging someone to save my mother. I don't care if I didn't get saved. I just wanted my mother to be ok.

"STOP!" She screamed making me cover my ears with my hand as I brought my knees closer to my chest.

It wasn't always like this. We were once a happy family. Then one day dad started coming home later and he lost his job. I remember the first time he even hit mom. I got so scared that I started to cry. He yelled at me the whole night because I kept crying.
Mom started working more jobs and I started staying in my room more and more. I didn't want to be with him. Not that he was around much to have to worry.

I felt my body giving out again and my head started spinning. I laidback and rested my head on my pillow and tried to block everything out. I was doing well till I heard the sound of a gun shot. I was so weak that I couldn't force my body to get up. I sat there and just listened. I didn't make a sound and I didn't hear anyone else making a sound.

My body began to shake as I realized what happened.

"No" I said softly as I brought my hands up to my mouth and cried more.

The sound of my door opening a crack made me sit up to face my father who still had the gun in his hand. I knew this was it. Is was the end for me.

He took a few steps into my room and held the gun up to me. I held on to my mothers necklace that she had given me for my 18th birthday just a few weeks ago. I wanted to go out holding her.

The sound of a gun went off and I waited for the pain of the bullet but one never came. I watched it go right through my fathers head and I let out a scream so loud that I'm not surprised if that people in a different country could hear me.

I was met with two brown eyes that pierced into mine as he looked at my baby blues. A tall man stood behind my father as his body fell down to the ground. My mouth hung open in fear as I waited for maybe this man to finish what my father wanted.
But he just looked at me and muttered three words

"Get the girl."

Now this is when my brain started to work again. I shot out of my bed and rushed to my window but wasn't quick enough. I felt two arms grab me and I was lifted into the air.

"HELP!" I screamed but before I could do anything else a cloth was put over my face. I found those brown eyes again and I held my breath in.

"Breath angel" he said softly as he got closer. I still tried to fight the guy who was holding me and held my breath.

"Please." This man was actually pleading for me to breath.

I shook my head holding it but I could feel my body giving out a little.

"Angel I promise nothing will happen to you." I shook my head as he got closer to me. I let in that breath in and watched as his eyes were the only thing that I saw last.

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