Chapter 19

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Warning ⚠️

Deans POV

I looked at my sleeping Angel in my arms and smiled to myself at how sweet she was just laying there. We had stayed here through the day and now into the second night we went.

She didn't know but she has changed me so much in the past few days. I knew I wanted nothing more then to keep her in my life. I knew there was so much I had to do for that to be possible.

I was quiet to get out of bed carful not to move her to much and grabbed a pair of sweatpants before finding my way out of this room and going to my kitchen.

When I got there I saw a sight that made me smile. There Sage was in her high chair just playing with food and there Logan was with his head on the table asleep next to her.

I got her out of her high chair and cleaned her up a bit before I went and grabbed a cup of water. I walked back to her dad and dumped it on him hearing her laugh as he got up.

"What the fu-" he looked up to see I had his daughter in his ands and stopped what he was going to say.

"I think it's bed time for you two." I laughed but Logan just rubbed the sleep out of his eyes x

"She won't sleep." He said softly. "I've tried everything. I've given her food, I've tried to get her to sleep, and I've even listened to two hours of rue frozen movie." He was down bad right now and even a blind man would see that.

"I can't do with without Grace Dean." He looked up at me and I could see the tears in his eyes. "She did everything for Sage and now I can't even get her to stop crying."

"Your not doing it alone brother. You have me and gunner and even Eliana. We are all here to help you."

He smiled a little but I knew he didn't believe me fully yet. I placed the baby in his lap and grabbed my phone getting right to work on what was wrong with her.

"Did you feed her?"

"All her favorite foods."

"She's changed."


"Is she having any sleeping problems?"

"No not really."

Then it hit us both. We both rushed to look in her mouth. Just as I thought. She had teeth pecking through her gums.

"She's teething!" We both said laughing as we had cracked the code.

"Wait I know what to do!"
Logan was fast to get up and go to the freezer. He pulled out a ring and I remembered seeing it but never did anything about it. I thought that someone would do something about it and I knew it was a baby toy so I didn't think much of it.

He gave it to her and relief washed over his face as she took it putting it to her mouth.

"Grace had told me she bought those a while back for this moment." He smiled looking down at Sage as he started to rock her to sleep a little

"And would you look at that. Your doing it on your own." I clapped him on the back and went over to grab myself some food.

"And why are you up?"

"Well brother I got some business to take care of." I smiled and he knew right away what it was that I was doing.

I walked right into my office and got right to work on what I had to do. My father was still out there and until he was dead I couldn't give the good life to my baby. I wouldn't rest till he was gone.
I was so lost in my work I didn't even realize that Eliana was In here till she had her arms wrapped around me from behind.

And don't think I didn't notice that she was in my robe. You would be fully mistaken if you think I didn't think about what was under it.

"You left me."

"I'm sorry Angel I had some work to do. I'll be back in a few I just wanted to look some stuff up." She looked down at the papers on my father and pulled away

I grabbed her wrist before she got far away and put her in between my desk and me. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she ran her fingers through my hair. I stayed like that for a minute enjoy that feeling.

"I'm sorry."

"For what baby."

"For bringing you into this mess. For keeping you trapped. For leaving you in bed." I laughed looking up at her.

She leaned down to kiss the top of my head "I know you have a lot on your mind right now. You have a lot that must be done so I don't blame you for leaving me. And I don't blame you for bringing me here. My father put me through worse. And from the looks of it we aren't so different in that aspect. I'm here because I care about you now Dean. I've grown to have feelings for you and I don't want to leave."

If only she knew how happy that made me to hear right now. I looked up at her as she smiled down at me.

"Go back to bed. I'll be up in a few and we will get back to this." I laughed pulling on my robe a little before turning her to walk away with a smack on her butt that made her jump a little.

"Or." She said softly turning back to me slipping the robe down her shoulders.

"Eliana. Don't start something you won't be able to finish." I said softly watching as she grabbed the two tassels that were holding the robe in place.

"Or what?" And just like that the robe dropped to the floor leaving a view in front of me that I wanted framed in my mind. This girl was going to drive me crazy.

"Close the door." I said not taking my eyes off of her and she smiled. I wanted as she turned around walking with her hips going back and forth leading me to look at the ass that came with those long legs.

As she turned back around I motioned for her to come back and she did so. I grabbed her by the waist this time and placed her on my desk spreading her legs for me. She seemed a little scared at first but stopped as soon as my lips went down on her sweat spot. Her hands ran through my hair as she pulled on it as I licked up all her juices.

Was I really going to live out every man's dream right now and fuck my girl in my office.. your damn right I am.

Once she came down from that high I moved her so that she was laying back on the desk with her legs wrapped around my waist. I dropped my pants and didn't waist any time going in. She was still in a little pain but seemed to get used to my size.

The way her head went back when I would push back into her was driving me crazy. The look on her lips as I pleased her sent me but I couldn't lose it. I didn't want to hurt her.

"Dean harder." She said softly into my ear and I pulled back to look at her "I don't want to hurt you baby." She shook her head kissing my lips.

"You couldn't baby." And that was all I needed before I was pounding into her like crazy. Her screams started to get to much so I covered her mouth with my hand as I kept going. She wrapped her arms around me scratching at my back and I could feel every last bit of composure leave my body.

I was fucking her like it was the last thing I would ever do. Like she was my last breath on this earth.

Once we both broke I leaned down into her dropping a little bit of my weight onto her. She laid there limp for a little while. I fixed myself and went over to grab the robe off the floor then I helped her sit up and put it back on her.

I made sure to be careful as I lifted her off the ground. I knew she was swore and by the way her legs were shaking I knew I had done my job right.

I helped her into the bathroom and then carried her right back to bed once she was finished and we went right back to how we were before I left my sleeping Angel.

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