Chapter 17

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Later when I had woken up it was hours later. So late that it started to grow dark out again. I couldn't function anymore. The only thing keeping me up was the fact that I still had Sage to take care of.

Thoughts ran through my mind as I thought what would happen with this baby and what would happen to me. Who was going to come for us now that we were alone. I kept the gun that Willy gave me.

When I walked across the hall to the baby I brought it with me putting it down on the table next to me. I picked her up and sat down in the rocking chair and started to sleep a little as she calmed down with the bottle I had given her.

My eyes closed as I rocked her back and forth in the dark hoping she would go right back to sleep. My head was hurting me and I couldn't take this pain anymore that I felt in my chest with thinking of Dean.

A small sound rang through the room and I quickly grabbed for the gun holding it up to where I heard it from and opened my eyes fast.

There was a shadow at the door looking in at me and I freaked.

" angel" I heard softly and everything in my body dropped.

"Dean." Tears ran down my face.

"It's me baby." I kept the gun where it was fearing that I was dreaming. I got up putting Sage down and picking up her night light to see it was him.

I quickly dropped the gun and ran to him jumping in his arms.

"I-I thought you were dead." I said holding onto him tightly.

"We got out of there before the bomb hit us. Logan grabbed me and through his body on top of mine but made sure he got us both out of the room."

I didn't care how it was true I was just happy that he was alive.

I grabbed his face and kissed him hard and pulled back fast when I realized what I had done. Even in the dark I could see his eyes looking up at me. I couldn't read them ever but in this moment I knew he wanted me.

He kissed me hard pulling me closer to his body. I wrapped my legs around him as he walked me back across the hall to the room I was in. He sat me down on the bed breaking the kiss to look at me in the light.

"Your leg" he looked down at it remembering that it was broken. But this gave me my first look at him. He had dirt all over him and looked like he hasn't slept in forever.

"Baby are you ok!" I rushed out not even thinking about what I was saying.

"What did you call me." He said softly looking down on me as I had reached up to his arm that was bleeding.

"Baby" I said not wanting to look at him. But he put his fingers under my chin and lifted me to look at him.

"Keep calling me that." He kissed my lips so softly that it almost didn't feel real. But this time I was the one to break it up.

"Let me clean you up." I reached for my crutches and pulled myself to get up. I walked my way to the bathroom and got a cloth wet it and turned to see him standing in the door way looking at me.

"You need to rest. Why don't I just leave you to take a shower and then we can relax" I went to go around him and he grabbed my arm stopping me from going anywhere

"Stay." He said before he moved in closer to kiss me hard. Like this kiss was the only thing he needed. My heart sank to my stomach as I wrapped my arms around him dropping my crutches.

Dean lifted me off my feet wrapping me around him as he reached in to turn the water on. I was placed on my feet for a minute as he helped me get out of my jeans and panties and made sure he was careful with my leg as he did so.

I reached up and grabbed his shirt helping him out of it before he picked me up again holding me in one arm as he helped himself out of his pants. Once we got in the shower he pushed me up against the wall holding me in place as he took my shit off.

He pulled back to look at me as the water ran down his face. I laughed a little seeing his hair fall forward. I ran my fingers through his hair pushing it back out of his face.

"When Willy said you were gone I didn't know what to think. I didn't want to. Please don't do that to me again."

He smiled moving his head close to mine "wouldn't dream of it...just don't hold a gun to me again." A laugh left my lips as I nodded my head.

His lips went back to mine and moved with mine. Soon his lips traveled down till he through my legs over his shoulders making me feel something I never have before.

My mouth flew open as I felt his mouth leave me nothing but breathless. I grabbed hold of his hair and pulled him closer to me loving this feeling.

My high came as I leaned my head back into the wall. Once he put me down back on my feet he brought his face back up to mine. I held his face in my hands kissing him.

"What was that." I said softly

He just chuckled and grabbed the body was he had.

"Only just the beginning of our night."

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