Chapter 15

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Elianas P.O.V.

I heard the sound of little laughing and my eyes shot open.

There was Sage smiling at me and sitting up in the bed. Behind her was one of the maids I think her name was Rose if I remember correctly. She had to be a little older then my mother and father.

"I'm sorry miss but I am leaving. Mr. Armani left a note asking that you watch over Sage." I sat up in the bed and picked Sage up who was very happy and wide awake which leads me to believe she had a nap already.
That's perfectly fine I can handle her." I smiled looking down at her little face.

I watched as Rose left leaving me and Sage together.

"So what are we going to do little one?" I asked looking down at her as she let out a little laugh again.

I was very happy to get in the little nap that I had because boy did this child keep me up. I played with her, watched tv with her, fed her and even had time to give her a bath by bed time.

Once she was down asleep in her bed I got a shower and went back into Deans room. Right as I was going to shut my eyes I heard Sage let out a cry and I got out rushing to go see what she needed.

"Hey baby girl what's wrong." I asked coming into the room not turning the lights on. I had learned from years of babysitting it was best not to turn the lights on with a baby that had just gotten up. They could still fall asleep if you keep the lights off.

I picked her up in my arms and sat down in her rooking chair and started going back and forth with her in my arms.

She had started to fall asleep in my arms making me think that I could get some sleep soon. I felt a smile for to my face as I felt her breathing slow a little telling me she was asleep. But as soon as that smile was on my face the faster it was wiped off.

A loud crash rang through the house making me jump and Sage start her crying up again. I could hear people rushing and screaming downstairs and I panicked and rushed to lock the door. Sage's cries got louder as I moved more into the room hearing gun shots go off and people yelling.

I sat back in the chair realizing just what life I got into now that I haven't tried to run.

I was entertaining a life that most people didn't make it out of. The pain and suffering of knowing just what is going on behind the scenes of it all. It pained me to know that Sage was just as stuck as me if not worse.

Rushed knocking at the door made me jump again but this time I panicked looking around the room for something to protect myself.

"Miss Eliana it's me Willy" that let me release a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. Willy was one of Deans men. That I had spoken to today. In Deans note that he had left for me he had said that Willy was the one I could go to if I needed anything or if anything was wrong.

"We had an intruder and we have to move." I quickly got up and opened the door and there Willy was with a bag all ready for me to pack.

"What do you mean?"

"I'll explain once we get you and Sage to the safe house. Come we don't have time." I rushed to pack something's for Sage and then rushed into Deans to get things ready.

I had Sage in my hands as Willy stood at Deans door as I stuffed stuff into a bag. He looked like he was worried which made me rush even more.

The first thing that made me panic was the sound of a gun going off. The next thing was seeing Willy jump into the room with us now. He quickly slammed the door and locked it.

"Take this!" He screamed handing me his gun and I took it in my shaking hand. He started to push furniture in front of the door as bangs started pushing on it.

Sage started to cry even more as I tried bouncing her up and down. I was just as scared but knew I couldn't cry in front of her.

"Go!" Willy took the gun from my hand and pushed for me to a door the bookshelf. I watched as he started throwing books off till one made a pop opening a secret door. We rushed in and Will rushed us down the long hallway to the stairs that we rushed down. Sage was still screaming in my ear but I couldn't stop.

Once we got to the end of the stairs I saw it lead us to the garage. I followed Willy to a car and made sure I got in with Sage in the back. I hadn't even gotten her buckled in before Willy had pulled out of the garage. I made sure she was in first before I strapped myself in.

"Who was that!" I hissed as I looked behind me to see the house quickly leaving my view.

"That...that would be Mr. Armani and his men."

It took a moment for me to realize the name he had just said.

"Deans dad..."

"Yes." Willy said softly as he looked at me through the mirror. That sent chills up my spine as I realized what that meant.

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