Chapter 23

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Elianas P.O.V

I felt my body being shook awake and I jumped when all I saw was darkness.

"Oh my bad little sis." I heard a voice say before the darkness became very light.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light around me but once they did I realized that Will was standing in front of me. I went to go at him but I quickly realized my hands were tied behind my back.

Looking around and by the feeling of swaying beneath my feet I could tell we were on a boat. I looked around at the nice room we were in and saw a window that showed me we were still docked judging by the other boat that was next to us.

"Where am I."

"I wouldn't worry about that. Right now all we got to worry about is when my boss is getting here."

I sat back down on the bed that I was on and watched as he went to the other side of the room to pick up a tray filled with food.

"Thought you would want some food. You slept a while." He put it down in front of me but I couldn't grab any of it.

"Oh yeah my bad." He grabbed my arm and took out a small pocket knife and cut me out of the rope that kept my hands tied.

"Who's your boss." I asked as I picked up the sandwich that I saw.

"You will know that soon. Right now we have some catching up to do from lost times."

"What the hell does that mean." I asked with a bunch of food in my mouth. Not really ladylike but at this point in time I didn't care. I was hungry.

"You really have no clue do you." He sat in the chair across from me just watching me. It was as if he was trying to figure out how he was going to tell me what he had to tell me without it being overwhelming.

I watched as he leaned forward a bit in his chair to grab a grape off my plate before he spoke. "You Elaina Grace Foster are my baby sister."

My moth dropped from the news I was just given. I couldn't begin to believe what I just heard. When I was a kid I always wanted a sibling but finding out this freak was mine wasn't settling with me well.

"I'm sorry...what?"

He smiled popping the grape in his mouth before he went on "our mother Abigail Foster only had time to take one kid. Lucky for you it was you that she took once she realized that our father De'Mario was in the mafia. She ran like the wind out and away from here. Lucky for you dad didn't look for you long. Put all his effort into making me into the man I am today. Of course he never did care about his kids. He had about 5 others anyway." He shrugged getting up.

"Unfortunately I never got to know our mother. She had you when I was 4 and then was gone not to long after having you." I watched and followed as he walked to the big doors that overlooked a balcony.

"When I had found out she died I knew something had to be done. Our father was on the way to kill your so called father that night. I went with him and figured it out in bits when I found this photo." He held up a photo that he took from his pocket. It was my mother holding a little baby, a little boy right next to her and a man sitting behind her. They all had big smiles on their faces. My mothers however looked forced. The baby was me of course and the little boy was Will.

"I was there that night at the night club..." it all started to come together. He was the one that had escaped.

"I knew you were my sister once I saw you. I knew that If dad found out he would have killed you knowing you were with one of the Armani boys."

He turned back to me and made his way to me not looking any where but me.

"But you see now we have no father or mother. That makes me the new king of the De'Mario mafia." As he stood over me it was finally starting to sink in all the information he had just given to me. I was really a part of a mafia family and didn't know it one bit.

"So now what. You get to take over for our dad. What do you get to do now."

He smiled looking down at me. "We get to come together with one of the biggest Mafia leaders and form the best mafia that there has ever been."

This man was definitely crazy. I didn't know how but we were related.

"Oh yeah and who's that?" As the door started to open we both looked to the door to see a man in the nicest looking suit that I had ever seen with the darkest hair that there could be. He was older then us both looked to be in his 60s but still looked good.

The thing was I had seen this man before. The eyes looked familiar. The way that he held himself did to. I moved back more into the bed and covered my mouth as it started to set in who this man was.

"Eliana meet Mr.Armani." The man smiled a bright smile at me as my whole life started flashing before my eyes as I sat In front of the man that Dean and Logan had been looking for. The only thing I could think of was how the hell I was going to get off this boat.

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