Chapter 18

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Once we were washed off he helped me out and dried us both. He made sure I was staying off my foot and was carrying me everywhere. He wrapped a towel around me and one around himself before he picked me off of the sink and carried me into the bedroom.

As he put me down on the bed there was a knock at the door but we both just ignored it. He started to kiss me as he pushed me back into the bed.

I laid flat for him as he got on top of me making sure to take the towel off of me.

I felt so exposed in this moment it freaked me out. Quickly I covered myself but he grabbed my arms pulling them from my chest.

"Don't make me tie them up." I felt something down there go on fire as the thought of him tying me up went through my head.

"Baby don't tell me that's something you would let me do." He said softly as he kissed down my neck which made me go crazy. My hands went to his shoulders as I tried to steady myself.

"Is there a kinky little thing in you." He asked huskily as he stopped just above my caller bone. His hands had found a new thing to explore. I felt his one hand go to my area and I felt my legs open to him. Why had I done that. What part of me would do that.

He smiled to himself I fear already knowing his answer that he wanted.

For a moment all I couldn't feel was his finger teasing me at my entrance. I grabbed onto the blankets trying to hold myself together. Before I could even tell him to do something he had pushed his fingers in me and I felt my head go back.

My one hand grabbed for his wrist and the other stayed on the covers as I tried not to move.

"Let me hear you baby." He whispered into my ear before he moved his head down leaving kisses down my chest all the way to the spot that I wanted him. My hand that was on his wrist had moved to his hair as I felt his hand and his mouth working down there.

"Dean." I gasped feeling like I was on cloud 9. My head was spinning and all I could think about was what he was doing to me. Within seconds he had me at my high again.

Another knock at the door came and this time the door opened. Dean was fast to throw his body on top of mine covering me. As he did his towel had fallen off one him but he didn't seem to mind.

"Oh fuck I'm so sorry!" I heard Willy say before the door was quickly closed.

"I'm going to shoot the next person that fucking opens that door." Dean hissed going to get up but I wrapped my legs around him and that caused him to stop.

He turned back to me grabbing both my arms and pinning them above my head.

"If we don't stop now baby I will not be able to stop myself."

"Then don't." And that was all he needed before his lips were on me. I was so turned on that I forgot one detail in this all.

"Dean." He kept kissing me but I knew he could hear me. "Dean I'm a-"

"I know baby." He pulled back a little looking me in the eyes "I will not lie it's going to hurt at first." I just nodded my head to scared to open my mouth "but I'm right here." He kissed my nose and before I knew it he was at my entrance.

My he took hold of my hands and pinned them down at my head and before I knew it I felt his crazy pain. He wasn't even all the way in before I was asking him to stop. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my face as he waited.

"It's ok Angel" he said softly reassuring me that he was there. Then before I could take it back I pushed him all the way into me by pushing on his butt. My mouth dropped as I heard this deep grown from him.

He was now holding himself around my body this time being the one not to move.

"Baby your so tight." He growled in my ear making me hot all over.

He pulled back a little and the pain got worse but it only lasted for a little while before I felt nothing but pleasure. I wrapped my legs around him wanting him closer to me and my hands ran down his back. Every time he hit my spot I let out a little moan and on the last one I felt my body give out and fall back into the bed.

He pulled himself out of me and I felt warm liquid go all over my stomach. "I forgot a condom" he got up fast grabbing one of the towels and cleaned me up. I got up and ran to the bathroom before I came back and got back in bed with him. He had pulled me under the covers with him pulling me into his body. We fit perfectly together as we laid there. Before I knew it I was fast asleep with his arms around me

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