Chapter 3

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Elianas P.O.V
My body shot up as I took in a big breath and started panicking.

I was in a dark room and I hated it. I could feel covers over my legs so I knew I was in a bed. Also by the feeling of the soft memory foam underneath me. It made me want to sink more into the bed but my panic over took that.

I rushed to the door and pulled it open not caring where I went just knowing I needed to get out.

Once I found the stairs it seemed like things could be alright for me. I had hope to find my way out of here.

Once I saw the front door I rushed to it through a long hall way and put my hand on the doorknob.

As I pulled it open someone pushed it close. A hand was wrapped around my mouth stopping me from screaming and I was pulled into something hard.

"Where are you running to Angel?" I felt his breath right by my ear and it only highlighted my fear. I did the only thing I could think of which is go limb. I felt my body sink but he was quick to put his arms under my legs. I reacted quickly bringing my hand back and smacking the man across the face when I saw it.

I stood there for a moment in shock because I watched as his face went to the side that it was the man with the gun. He had killed my father and would do the same to me if I gave him the chance. I ran far and fast rushing through the house till I found myself in the kitchen.

I grabbed a kitchen knife and turned around just in time to watch him casually walk in. He had on a nice suit with shoes that I could hear following me as I ran. He undid his tie a little as he started to walk to me.

We walked around the kitchen island as he stalked me like and animal does. It gave me time to take him in fully. He was a very good looking man to say the least. Sharp jaw line, beautiful eyes, hair that wasn't to long but still a few prices found there way into his face. He was also super tall compared to my 5'4 hight. He towered over me and it scared me.

"Do you know how to use that?"

I raised my eye brow at him as he asked that stupid question. Did I look like I didn't know how to use a knife.

I held it up as he got closer to me as I tried looking for an escape. I looked over to the window and thought about it fast before I took off to it. But he was fast grabbing my wrist with the knife in it first and pulling me hard to him. He ripped it out of my hand and turned me so that my back was up against his front.

His free hand snaked around my waist keeping me in place in the front while he brought the knife up to my side.

I still had my dress on from the last time I was in my house. It had rips in it be due to me trying to attack my dad as he tried to hurt my mom and I.

He slid the knife up the side of my arm and it sent chills down my back.

"Never hold a weapon to me Angel. I will always get the upper hand." He spun me out letting me go before he put the knife in the sink grabbing my other arm as he pulled me with him.

I let him drag me through the place taking me to another room. The pushed me in closing the door behind him.

As I looked around I saw that it was a office. What was this guy? Was he a big business guy or something?

He walked over to the big desk and started to look through papers as I continued to look around the room for something as to what this man does.

"Sit." He said harshly and I didn't want to get him angry again so I rushed to the couch in the room and sat down.

When the silence went for a few minutes I knew I had to be the one to break it. "Where's my mother." He was writing on some paper and stopped when those words left my mouth. He didn't look up at me but I could tell he was choosing his next words carefully now.

"She's dead."

Those were the words that broke me down again. The tears fell and I could hear screaming in my head but I wouldn't let it out of my mouth. Everything on the inside was breaking down and screaming to get out but I sat there just letting the tears fall.

"Then why not finish it for me." I said softly which made him look to me.

"I'm sorry?"

"Then why didn't you kill me." My voice was so low and I forced my eyes to look at him.

"You were just strangely in my house at night and you killed my father. There must have been a reason you were there."

"I don't kill women." Is all he said

"Then one of the guys that were with you should have done it." I turned to look out the window feeling nothing but numb "not like I have a reason to live." I didn't dare look over at him now and tried to stop myself from crying so hard.

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