Chapter 9

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I saw girls running to the back of the club and I started looking for Zane. When I saw him still over by the couch I rushed over and grabbed his sholder.

"Zane le-" I let out the biggest scream I ever could when I saw the bullet now in his head. His eyes were wide open and his mouth dropped.

I started backing away from him with my hand over my mouth so I wouldn't let any screams out. People were rushing by all running in different directions but I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

I backed up into something and jumped and turned to see the boss that he was talking to just moments before.

"Your with him." He held up his gun to me and I took small steps back. I could hear Gunner saying something in my ear but I wasn't focusing on him. My eyes were on the gun that was being held up at me.

Before the trigger could be pulled someone bumped into the man and I took that as my sign from god to run.

I took off running down a different hall way when I saw people running down it. Another fun shot went off in the place making everyone scatter more like mice. I tripped down the stairs and fell in the heels that I had to be in. I reached to my ear but couldn't feel the ear piece in anymore. Gunner wasn't talking in my ear which made me panic more.

Not one person helped me as I laid on the ground in pain. I can't really blame them to much but still.

Looking around I found a table and crawled to it getting under it and the clothe that was on top of it.

Looking down at my leg I could tell u definitely did something to it. It was already brushing and I could feel it heating up which I learned only happens when you break something. It's all the blood rushing to that spot that was hurt.

I learned that when my father broke my arm back a few years ago and it felt like it was on fire.

The screaming started to die down a little but there was still people walking around from what I could see from the shadow of the cloth.

"Where the hell did she go!" I knew that voice was the man that Zane was talking to.

"Boss we lost her in the crowd." A new voice said.

"I know that you dumb ass! I told you to find her!"

"I looked all around I'll try to see if one of the bouncers saw her. She couldn't have gotten far. For now let's get De'Mario out of here."

That name. It was the one that Zane had been talking about. That must have meant something to Dean.

"We will take him to the place just outside of California. That little run down hotel just off the side of the road. Not many people know about it."

"That's great then we can bring him back late for the trade."

I saw the shadows make their way closer to where I was hiding. I held my breath as I watched the nice shoes stop right next to me.

Something heavy was dropped onto the table making me jump a little. I could feel tears falling from my face as I tried to slow my breathing down a little. I didn't want to be loud right now.

"Who was that girl?"

"She looked really familiar. Like I knew her" the boss said. "Get me a cig" he hissed and the next thing I know there was a box of cigarettes being dropped on the floor right next to me. I knew that if this person bent down they would see me. The cover wasn't long enough to hide me completely.

I started saying my prayers and told mom I was ready to see her as I started to see a body bend down.

But he never got to the ground. A loud bang went off and a crash of light went through out the room making my ears ring I couldn't even hear anything now. My head was spinning and the room was filling up with smoke. It was making it hard to breath and my head was starting to feel light again.

I could see the one shadow try to hold himself up on the table that I was under but he fell to the ground along with his gun that just so happened to slide under the table.

Never in my life did I think I would be in a situation where I would have to worry about my life. Never in my life did I think I would be picking up a gun and holding it up as I saw another shadow make it's way to the table.

When the cover was pulled back I held the gun at a face that I was so happy to see.

"Dean." I said softly seeing his brown eyes that got soft when they saw me. They were behind a face mask but I could still see them.


I dropped the gun and jumped to him and he pulled me up. As soon as he did my body went limp. He caught me and lifted me off my feet bridle style.

"The room is spinning." I said as I looked around. My eyes went to the body on the floor and saw that it was the boss. He looked like he was trying to reach for me.

Dean took his gun and held it up to him.

"Look away baby." He said softly and I did by putting my head into his neck." The gun went off and that was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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