Chapter 5

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Elianas P.O.V

I jumped to life taking in all the air I could as I sat up. MY eyes adjusted to the darkness that was around me but my heartbeat picked up when I felt something around my waist.

"Angel!" I jumped a little in my skin but I didn't need the lights on to know that voice as soon as they went on I saw Dean there looking at me with a worried look on his face.

Why would this man be worried right now. And why did he call me Angel?

I looked down at my body and saw what I was wearing and that I was still here. I felt tears falling from my face as I looked up at him.

"Why." I said softly remembering everything that had happened

"Angel pl-"


"Then tell me your name!" He pleaded coming closer but I moved more into the top of the bed not wanting him to touch me.

"Eliana" my voice was so low I'm surprised if he even heard it.

"Eliana" he said softly sending shivers up my body. "Angel please explain to me why you did that."

For a moment I saw the hurt that my mother gave me when she saw my scars in his eyes. It made me want to break down and cry. I was already a mess I didn't need to be a bigger one.

"I just wanted it all to stop."

He nodded his head and got closer this time I had let him. He grabbed for my leg and pulled it to the side showing off all the cuts that were on it.

For some reason under his watchful eye it made me want to run and hide. I tried to pull away but he held onto me.

"Promises me you'll never do this again." He hissed and all I could think to do was nod my head.

"I mean it Eliana don't do this to yourself." He raised his eyes to look at mine again and this time I saw anger in them like he was scolding a little kid.

"It's my body."

Now that was wrong to say. And I could tell by the look in his eyes I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"Don't fucking do it or so help me god Eliana I'll make you regret it."

"How" I bit back somehow gaining some confidence that I didn't know I had. "What could you do worse to me that I haven't already done!"

"Don't raise your voice at me." He said calmly but I could see the fire in his eyes.

"You should have let me go." I said softly staring up at him as I slowly got up onto my knees so that I was just about eye level with him.

"We'll I didn't and I'm sure as hell not going to let you out of my sight now." He gripped my arm and pulled me to walk with him. Considering I was so short and he was so tall I practically had to run with him to keep up.

"Can you slow down" I said looking down at the floor but I did feel him slow down. I followed him out the room and into the hallway back to the very familiar office that I was in before. I took my same spot and curled up with the blankets on the couch.

"Why are we here?"

"Because I haven't worked in a while because I was busy watching you." He said that all with out looking up from his paper work.

"What is it that you do?"

"I own my own business." He was quick with that response and I had a quick response.

"Your a hit man?" He out his pen down looking to me finally.


"Well you killed my father. I know he did a lot of bad things in his life I'm sure many people wanted him dead."

I could see him hesitate for a moment before he nodded his head "yeah a hit man."

"So who told you to kill my father. We're you told to kill me and my mother to?"


"You were there to kill us all. What happens when you don't finish the job?"

"Please stop." He said trying to keep his cool as he continued to work.

"But I just tried to kill myself and you saved me. Maybe your not a hi-"

"ELIANNA!" His voice was so deep and so powerful that I sat my butt right back down. It sent shivers to my spine but I loved it for some reason.

His facial expressions softened a little when he saw how scared I must have looked because it did shock me that he raised his voice at me.

"Please just let me get some work done"

"And what am I supposed to do while you do that?" He looked at me for a moment as he thought about his answer but it seemed to click as he got up from his chair to come to me.

Deans P.O.V.

"This is Sage" Logan smiled as he handed Sage his 1 year old daughter off to Elianna who seemed to smile more when she had the baby in her hands.

"She's beautiful. Just like her mother." Elianna said softly looking to Logan who let out a little smile before walking to me.

We both watched Elianna as she bounced around the room holding Sage. They both had these big grins on their faces as they went around the room.

"You think she will be fine?" I asked

"Look at the way she holds Sage. She's a natural. And plus no one smiles that wide for a baby unless they have dreamed of having their own."

I smiled a little watching the sight in front of me enjoying seeing her like this. Never in a million years did I think I would actually give a shit about something so silly like this but it's cute.

"I see she's already changed you." I snapped out of it quick to glare at him. The moment was lost now because of him.

"Your smiling as she's holding a baby. Boy your whipped."

"I could give someone else your job easily." I sighed waking out of the room leaving them all behind

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