Chapter 21

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Deans P.O.V.

"Dean!" Logan shouted making me jump
From my thoughts. On the table in front of me was a photo of my father. The man we had been looking for. He was walking out of a house in it but even with the bad angle of the photo you could still see how old he looked.

"He knows where we are. The man seems to know our every step. Why."

I looked up at the room of my men. We were all sitting around in this room and they all had their eyes on me.

"A spy maybe." One of them said which that did run through my mind already. I could tell by the look on Logan's that it went through his as well.

"A rat" Logan said.

I quickly reached for my gun and put it on the table. "No one leaves the table till I know who." And a hush fell in the room.

"You really think it would be one of us." One of then called out and I turned to him.

"If everyone you loved was in danger you to would not trust even the closest people in your life."

"Sir I have news you might care to know." Someone said stepping up. I turned to him. It was a man known by the name of Killian. He was a well respected man and had done me a good favor of finding out most of the information that he could on Eliana.


"The man you killed wasn't her father."

"I'm sorry?" I must have been hearing him wrong right now.

"The man in that home you found her in. It wasn't her real father."

Logan now was sitting up in his seat like me waiting for the rest of the information.

"De'Mario was her real father." Well more relief went over my body knowing he was dead now. But of course as if Killian could sense my relief he had more news to tell me.

"That's not all."

Elianas P.O.V.

"I can't believe she's this close to you all the sudden!" I hissed seeing Sage clinging to Gunner as they sat on the floor watching a baby show.

"She sense that I'm a kind soul." He smiled a cocky smile as I got up.

"No she senses that your on her age level." As I said that they both were putting the little puff snacks into their mouth. Gunner realized and spit it out with a huff.

I made my way to the kitchen to get some grownup food. It was already 5 and I hadn't had anything all day.

"Hey Eliana can I ask you for some help?" Will asked coming down the stairs going to the kitchen. "Yeah!" I rushed to keep up with him and rushed into the door as it shut behind him.

What I wasn't ready for was the cloth put around my mouth right away and arms wrapped around my body.

I started to kick and tried to scream as Will pulled me to the back door. I tried everything to get away from him freaking out now. As he got me to the back door I kicked the pan that was on the counter to the floor making a loud noise. I did it with hopes of getting Gun era attention.

But I was quickly rushed out the door and pushed into the back of a car that locked right away as I tried to get out. Will rushed to get in the front of the car pulling away fast. Before I could even utter a word the loudest boom went off behind me.

I quickly looked out the back of the window and saw the house was in flames behind me.

"NOOO." I screamed so loud that I'm sure someone could hear me from this car. I went to turn to Will but he quickly stuffed a needle into my leg and I fell to the seat behind me.

"GO TO FUCKING HELL." I hissed as I felt my body giving out on me.

"Already there sis." Was all I heard before everything went black

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