Chapter 7

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Eliana P.O.V

I woke up to see that I was still in Sages room but she was no longer in my arms. I jumped to my feet and rushed to her crib to see she was now in there asleep. My heart jumped so fast when I realized she wasn't with me.

How did she get here is the big question now.

I made made my way through the house going to the only place that I knew which was the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed a water before sitting down at the breakfast bar.

"So how do we get him in?" Logan asked as him and Gunner walked in across the other side of the kitchen. They hadn't seen to notice me right away

"We could send him back to the club and I'll go with him." Gunner smiled

"No your done with going there! They know your face."

They both stopped in their tracks when they looked to me sitting there watching them.

"Hey" I waved my hand to them and they both looked at each other. Gunners smile got bigger but Logan shook his head right away.


"You don't even know what I was going to say." Gunner pleaded

"I do and I know Dean would never go for it."

Gunner looked to me and rushed over to me sitting down in front of me

"Eliana would you like to help us out with a job?"

"Eliana don't listen to him." Logan rushed out coming up next to him.

"It would be just a simple job. You would be going with a buddy of ours to this club. He's really going to do all the work but we need someone else with him to make sure the job is done."

"A job?"

"Gunner shut up! Dean wouldn't allow it."

"Dead doesn't need to know." Gunner shrugged his shoulders turning back to me "what do you say?"

"GUNNER!" We all jumped to see Dean had made his way into the kitchen sneaking up on us like a cat.

"Boss come on! It's a great idea and you wanted me to step up...well I have and I think this is a great idea!" Gunner got up and pulled me up to my feet.

"She will go with Our buddy Zane and then Zane will talk with who we need him to get them both in and out and then boom. Mission accomplished."

For a moment I thought about it. If I got out of this house there's a possibility I could get the hell away from this place.

"No." Dean said right away.

"I'll do it." I rushed out but had to calm myself down a little.

"Not a chance in hell." Was the last thing Dean said before he walked out.

All three of us looked at each other before we followed.

"Why not? What's so wrong with me helping?"I rushed after him down the hall as he made his way to his office.

"Because we aren't sending you with Zane. You know nothing about what is going on." Gunner and Logan were both walking behind me watching the show not wanting to miss what was going on.

"Fine then tell me." Dean stopped and I bumped right into his back because I wasn't ready for him to stop.

He slowly turned around to me and stepped closer to me.

"Angel I'm not telling you about my work. You don't need to know anything about it. For now you are safe right where you are and it's better that way."

"Dean" Logan said but Dean didn't take his eyes off of me.

"Come up with a new plan Gunner." Was all he said before leaving all of us closing his door to his office telling us the conversation was over.

I turned to both of them with a smile."so what do I have to do."

Gunners face lit up but Logan slapped his hand to his face.

"Oh she is one of us" Gunner laughed wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me to walk with him.

"I can't hear this." Logan put his fingers in his ears as he walked with us as Gunner told me the plan. I won't lie I was a little worried but I felt like I would be just fine. I would get to this place and then find my way out.

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