Chapter 4

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The door popped open and two guys stumbled in laughing and acting like goofs. The one fell to the floor as he pushed the door open while the other laughed walking over him.

"Reporting home sir!" The brown haired taller one said as he stood like a soldier. He looked a little bit like brown eyes but wasn't nearly as hot as him. They had the same hair and eyes but brown eyes was built a little more and may have been a few inches taller then him.

"Are you two drunk?" Brown eyes asked. I still didn't know his name so he was now brown eyes.

"I know know I?" The blonde on the floor asked looking up at brown eyes who looked pretty pissed at the moment.

"It's a Tik tok." The blonde laughed as he got himself up. "Come on boss you can laugh a little."

"Or I can make your lives hell tomorrow when you two feel like shit."

"Logan look!" The blonde hit the tall one and they both looked to me. I moved back into the couch some more and pulled my legs to my body.

"She's not a fucking dog Gunner!" Brown eyes snapped and it made me jump from how loud he was.

"Blame this all on me brother. Still grieving a little here." The guy who I knew as Logan said stepping forward.

The room seemed to go silent once that was said. It was like no one wanted to address what he had said or more so what it meant.

"No one going to talk about the hot girl in the room?" Gunner slurred as he pointed to me breaking the silence. It made me blush and laugh a little. But I was quick to wipe it away when I saw the stare I got from brown eyes. It was chilling.

"As I was saying I did just lose the love of my life..." he went from smiling to looking like he lost Everything real fast. I saw the distant look in his eyes as he looked at brown eyes who I learned was his brother.

"He killed her Dean" and brown eyes had a name.

"He fucking killed her and I couldn't do anything to stop it." He walked over to the chair that was in front of Deans desk and sat down putting his face into his hands.

"She was all that I had." He hissed. I looked back to the other one Gunner and saw he was standing with his head hung low in silence.

I didn't like that no one was taking. I did the only thing I knew I could do.

I got up and made my way over to him. They all watched me as I stood in front of him.

"I don't know who she is but I'm sure she was a lovely woman."

He smiled a little and nodded his head. "She really was"

"Do you want to talk about her?"

He looked behind me to dead "if she's really like this hell maybe she can break whatever's wrong with you. I like her." He laughed looking back to me.

"Her name was Grace." Logan reached for his pocket and pulled out his wallet where he had a photo of her in it. I took it to see a beautiful young woman with long black hair and a wide smile.

"She's beautiful."

"We don't have time for the sob story Logan. Do you want to find De' Mario and kill him or talk about what hurts you the most."

I turned around to Dean and cleared my throat to get his attention.

"Do you have no sympathy in your body? You told me my mother was dead without any but your brother....he's your family"

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