Chapter 11

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Eliana's P.O.V

I jumped awake and left my eyes popped open with a light in my face.

"Easy there" in front of me was an older man with a light that he was just holding up to my eye.

I looked get to me and saw a scalpel with a bunch of other tools on a little tray. I grabbed it and held it up to his man who put his hands up and backed away.

"Dean... sleeping beauty's up" he called to the side without looking away from me. I kept the scalpel pointed at him till I saw Dean come around the corner.

He rushed to me and I wrapped my arms around him wanting him to get me the hell out of this place.

"Don't worry. This is just Doc. He took care of you. Your alight now you just have a really bad sprain in your leg."

I looked down to see there was a soft bandage wrapped all down my leg to my foot.

"She's going to need to stay off of that foot foot a couple weeks but other then that she should be fine" doc said as he made his way over to a set of crutches that he had.

"Eliana!" Logan came in with a huge smile on his face seeing that I was up.

"Your alive!"

I just laughed and nodded my head. "I also have some information." My voice was dry as I tried to speak.

Both the boys were looking at me now like I had to tell them the greatest news.

"I know where they are going to be holding De'Mario."

Both the boys looked at each other before they rushed to me pulling me into a hug lifting me off the bed.

"Your a fucking God!" Logan said laughing as he started dancing around.


"Just outside California at this run down abandoned hotel. The boss had said something to someone about transferring him there because he was with them I think."

"We missed De'Mario!" Logan screamed now no longer dancing.

"W-we have to go back for Sergio then! He would know where he is!"

"We can't go back." Dean said softly looking down at his hands.

"Why? He can lead us right to him! It's perfect he's probably still on the floor at the club."

"I killed him."

Logan stopped for a second before sitting down in a chair looking up at his brother.

"You killed our source?"

"He hurt Eliana."

"He didn't even lay a hand on her! You fucking killed the one guy who we could have used to get in to the hotel with out being harmed."

"There was another guy" I said softly wanting them to stop yelling.

"He had to be with Sergio. He was standing right next to him before the bomb went off." I www trying to peace everything together now. I wanted to help them.

"I didn't see anyone" Dean shrugged his shoulders.

"Dumbass" Logan let out flopping down back in the chair.

"I'd like to see you fucking do better! Oh yeah you fucking couldn't which is why I'm a head of this mafia and your not!" Dean snapped at Logan but they both quickly looked to me when they head me let out a gasp.

I covered my mouth with my hand and took hold of the scalpel again.

"Secrets out" Logan smiled a cocky smile as he got up and walked out of the room leaving me and Dean here.

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