Chapter 14

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Deans P.O.V.

"We have a location on De'Mario and his men." A smile went across my face as I grabbed his head kissing the top of his head.

"Well shucks boss but I think your lady friend in there would like a kiss much more." The smile that went across his face soon left as he took off running seeing I was not amused.

I rushed back into my room texting Logan to get the car ready. As I got in I noticed that my Angel had her eyes closed. I didn't want to wake her so I was careful with the way I moved around the room to get my stuff.

Once I was showered and dressed I made sure to write a note to her and put it by her pillow. She looked so peaceful when she slept. My hand reached out on its own accord and went to her cheek pushing away the hair from her beautiful face.

I bet down and put my lips just above her ear
"angelo mio ti prometto di proteggerti ad ogni costo e vedrai presto quanto tengo a te" (my angel I promise to protect you at any cost and you will soon see just how much i care for you)

She moved a little in her sleep but I was careful not to move. I wanted to stay here and hold her in my arms longer then what I got to this morning. I leaned closer kissing her cheek before rushing off so I didn't wake her.

I got in the car as Logan said his goodbyes to Sage who was in the arms of one of the maids that works here. I had put in the note that I left for Eliana that she was in charge of Sage once she woke. I knew she wouldn't have a problem with this due to the fact that she loved Sage.

"Any way we can stop for some food on the way? Gunner asked from the backseat as he held his phone looking down at a new game he got on it.

"You know I always feel like I have a kid with you." I sighed looking in the Mirror at him.

"Sure you and Eliana could have time to make one." Before I could jump at him Logan got in the car pushing me back to my seat and fixing his hair.

"If you two don't stop acting like kids I'll put you both in the back and I'll do the driving"

I nodded my head Turing to the wheel to move the car out of the drive way.

"He started it Gunner mumbled making the car to a complete stop before I tried going for him again.

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