Chapter 20

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Elianas POV.

I had felt something running down the side of my face so I quickly opened my eyes to see Dean looking down on me.

"I'm sorry baby but I didn't want you to wake with out me again." He was all dressed up in his suit looking handsome as always.

"Where are you going." I asked softly holding the blankets to my chest as I sat up. He moved some hair out of my face with a sad little smile.

"I got to go and do some work Angel. My father is a problem now and we can't have that."

I just nodded my head boiling back down at the covers.

"But I thought maybe you and Gunner would have some training today. You need to learn how to use this." He held up a gun for me. "The right way so you don't get hurt."

I just rolled my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

Of course that didn't go as planned. Gunner was in the room minutes later getting me up and pushing me to get changed and ready. Next thing I knew we were at a gun range.

"You need to hold it like this Eliana or your going to get hurt." He fixed the way I was holding the gun and stepped back behind me to watch where I was shooting.

"Gunner this really isn't for me. I mean I don't think I can do anything with this."

"Eliana shoot."


"Eliana." He gave me a hard look and I knew he wasn't going to let me go anywhere till I shot it. So I did and as soon as the gun went off I felt this rush go through my body. I put the gun down fast trying to run but Gunner held me where I was.

"It's ok. I know it's scary."

"That's easy for you to say. You know how to shoot the damn thing!"I threw this arms off of me and relaxed a little. I did not want to pick that thing up.

"I didn't always. Dean had to teach me."I turned to watch as he set up his gun up and made sure he was standing the right way and holding it. I quickly got behind him and watched as his went to the bull's-eye.

"See Dean found me when I was 14. I was a fighter. My father payed to watch me beat up other boys my age. The day Dean found me my dad was trying to kill me." He put the gun down and turned to me.

"Dean shot him as he was on top of me strangling the life out of me. I couldn't fight him because it was my father. Dean took me in and showed me everything I needed to know. Showed me how to use this." He nodded to the gun.

"But that was to make you ready to kill."

"It wasn't though. It was to make me realize that I was in control of my life and that no one else could be" the small smile on his face fell a little as he got up putting me to stand in front of him again.

"Hopefully you'll never need to use it in your life. But I know you want control of your life again. I saw that house you were living in Eliana. I saw what your father did to your mother. It's time for you to take that control back." And that was all I needed to hear before I was picking the gun up and getting to work pretending that the bull's-eye was my father.

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