Chapter 24

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Will had given me a dress and told me we were having dinner with Mr. Armani before they both left me in the room. Of course they locked me in so I couldn't get out.

Once I was ready I walked outside and followed the sound of voices to the back of the boat.

There was a table with food and wine and the two of them were there already chatting like best friends
"There's the woman of the hour." Mr Armani said getting to his feet to help me into a seat.

Once we were all sat i think it registered in my mind what was going on.

"First." I turned to Will "fuck you and you better pray that that baby and gunner are alive right now or I'll make it my right to kill you in your god damn sleep blood or not." I smiled a kind smile and then turned to the man the moth the devil.

"And you..." I leaned in closer to him "I'm going to enjoy every moment watching your sons rip you to pieces knowing what you did to them, their mother and their goddamn sister who's blood is on your hands. I hope you rot in hell." They both looked at each other knowing damn well I meant every word I just said.

I picked up my glass of wine and smiled "shall we eat?" I asked before taking a swig of my wine.

"Well I can see that Dean must have kept you for that spunk." Mr. Armani was the first to brake the ice.

Before I knew what was happening Mr. Armani jumped up rushing to me grabbing me by my neck pushing me into a wall. I grabbed onto his arm holding myself up trying to gasp for air.

"I'll make sure to beat that right out of you" he hissed. The click of a gun made me realize what was happening.

He held the gun to my head but wasn't for long. Will got up fast holding one to Mr. Armanis head.

"Let my sister go right now or the deal will end with your blood all over this damn deck." Mr. Armani laughed before dropping me to my feet as I gasped for air.

Even after I said I would kill him in his sleep he did that for me. We all sat back down taking a few minutes to register what just happened.

They went to talking about the deal and how they were going to do it but all I could do was let my mind wonder to something else. What was Dean doing right now. Was he forming a plan to come and save me. What was his reaction to finding out I was gone.

"Let's go for a walk." MR. Armani held out his hand for me and I hesitated for a moment before I took it letting him walk me to the end of the ship.

"You may want to thank your brother your alive right now. If I had my way you would be gone. Any woman that's fucking my son shouldn't be alive."

I stood there for a moment and leaned into the side of the boat looking at the man that I wanted nothing more then to jab a knife into right now.

"Now you have no words?" He asks almost shocked.

I shook my head "just taking this all in sir. I know your ass isn't going to make it off this ship alive even if I'm dead or not." I smiled before walking back to my brother wanting nothing to do with that man.

Will walked me back to the room and came in sitting down on the bed.

"I may work with the man but I don't trust him. I will take the couch I don't feel right leaving you."

"Why would it matter? He kills me you don't have someone to worry about."

I shrugged my shoulders kicking my shoes off.

"Well your all I got left. I'd like to think that you would except me as your brother and see what this could mean for us."

"Oh and what exactly is that brother of mine?" I knew I was a big bitch right now but I had had it with these two tonight.

"We are about to become the biggest mafia there ever has been." He smiled a bright smile getting up putting his hands on my shoulders.

"And in doing so your going to kill my family."

"I'm your family."

I shook my head "no your not. You care more about this then you do me. I love Dean and you and that man out there want to kill him and everyone else I love. I'm sorry our mother never was there for you. I'm sorry that our father was a horrible person and that we both never could be saved from the shitty things that we went through as kids. But I won't ever think of you as a brother. You kill them and I will stand with them when you do. My blood will be on your hands." I pushed past him and got into the bed not really caring if he stayed or not.

To my surprise though he did and soon the room was filled with the sound of his snoring. I and flipped to the side to look at him and saw he was sleeping with the gun on his chest. But from this angle I could see he had the same nose as our mother and same shaped lips.

I really did mean it when I said I was sorry that our mother didn't save him. I wonder if things would have been different if she did. I turned to my other side pulling my covers up before I let sleep consume me.

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