Chapter 13

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Elianas P.O.V
I rolled over in bed and moved closer to the heat that was next to me. When I felt something draped over my waist I quickly opened my eyes.

Once I did I saw a sleeping Dean. He had his arm around me so that I was pushed up against him.

He looked so peaceful while he slept. He didn't have his normal mean look on his face. It was softened and at peace.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to stare?" I jumped a little when he spoke but hit his chest when he started to laugh and open his eyes.

"Where am I?" Looking around I realized I wasn't where I once was.

"Your in my room." He pulled me closer to him making me look to him again.

"Why am I here?"

"Well I wanted to make sure you didn't fall out of bed with that leg."

I rolled my eyes "oh yeah because I wouldn't be able to get back into my bed."

"Yeah exactly so that's why I have you here." He nodded proud of what he came up with.

"I'm going back to my room." I laughed trying to get up but he wrapped his hands around my waist flipping me so that I was under him and he laid his body on top of mine.

"Nope I want you here with me." He sighed with content as he laid his head on my stomach keeping me locked in place.

"Dean" i laughed trying to push him off of me but he just wrapped his arms around me tighter.

"Please." He said looking up to me with a serious face "having you here I was able to sleep for the first time in weeks."

My heart jumped at that sentence just looking at his brown eyes. Bringing my hand up I wrapped it around the back of his head nodding my head "ok." I said softly.

He laid his head back down on my stomach and ran my fingers through his hair till I heard the sound of him softly breathing telling me he had dozed off to sleep.

After and hour of laying with him my legs were getting numb and I really hand to pee. I somehow slid out from under him and grabbed my crutches going to his bathroom.

Once I got out I went back out to see he was sleeping still like a baby.

I started to look around his room and realized how dark it was. It was a very big room with a tv a balcony and it's own desk and chair.

Making my way to the desk I saw there was some photos on it and I picked up the few that were on the top of the pile.

The fist one was a photo of two little boys laughing together in front of a white backdrop. By the looks of them it was Dean and Logan from when they were little boys.

The next one was both of the boys a little bit older but this time Dean had a baby in his arms. All three of them were smiling as they looked into the camera.

But who was this little baby? I didn't hear the boys say anything about them having another sibling.

The next photo was the boys and the baby the same year but this time they were with two adults. The mother was sitting holding the baby and the two boys were standing in front of the father. Who's hands were on the boys shoulders. Both of the boys smiles were gone as they stared into the camera. The father has this hard look on his face as he also didn't smile. He gave me the creeps

But my eyes went to the mother and the baby. The baby was now crying and the mother looks like she was pleading to the photographer. Pleading for him to stop her pain. Pleading for him to help. It sent chills down my body as I looked at it.

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