Chapter 2

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Deans P.O.V
We were out for revenge tonight. Someone from the De' Mario group had killed my brothers wife and we knew where some of his men where. De' Mario was a weak man. He didn't keep all of his men together which was a big mistake.

The first house we went to was easy. We killed the two men that were there and left the woman. We never harmed the women.

The next two were the same. Now when we had gotten to the 4th house I wasn't expecting what came.

We rushed in after hearing a gun shot. Logan was the first one in. He rushed in with Gunner behind him and me not to far behind.

Gunner found the woman on the couch dead to a gun shot to the head. Logan grabbed a blanket and coved her as me and Gunner tan through the house. I saw the man we were looking for standing in a doorway and I took the shot.

The sound of a scream rang through the house as my eyes connected with a beautiful pair of baby blue eyes. I saw fear and hurt in the as they looked back at me. The man with the gun.

Her blonde hair fell over her small round face as she shook in her skin. She was a small little thing that looked petrified down to her bones.

"Get the girl." I said as Gunner walked over to me. I watched as her little body jumped to her feet and rush to the window but Gunner was faster. I handed him a cloth and he put it to her face. What shocked me was that she held her breath.

"Breath Angel." I said softly as I saw her eyes get wide.

She shook her head at me "Angel I promise nothing will happen to you." And she seemed to relax for a moment and let in a big breath. Her little body soon went limp in Gunners arms. He walked to the bed and went to put her down but I said something that shocked the both of us.

"Bring her." Gunner turned to me with wide eyes still holding her.

"Sorry boss?"

"I said bring her." I turned on my heal and walked out to Logan who was still by the woman's body. He had his head bowed in prayer as her whispered one to her.

"He raped her." Logan said softly with our picking up his head.

"How do you know?"

"Her underwear is ripped over on the floor over there. Scratches all over her body and stuff under her finger nails. My guess is he's been doing this for a while." My blood boiled as I walked back over to the guys body and shot two more shots into his body.

Gunner pulled the little one closer to his body as he walked to the front door. It made me worry now that this dickhead hurt her to.

"Let's go." I hissed walking back to the door with the boys filing not to far behind.

We got in the car and I grabbed the Angel from Gunners arms and put her on my lap as I looked down at her. She was a beautiful little thing.

I started checking her for any harm. The first thing I saw was the forming bruise on her right cheek in the form of a hand. Next was the blood coming from her head. I grabbed the first aid kit from the side seat and grabbed gauze and put it there.

"What the fuck did he do to her."

"We won't know till she wakes up." Logan said moving in closing the door.

"Why do we have her sir?" He asked

"I couldn't leave her. If De' Mario comes back and sees her they may kill her." I really don't know why I cared about this little thing but I did. I saw something else in those eyes besides fear. And I really don't know why but I want to help her.

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