Chapter 25

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"GET THE FUCK UP!" All the sudden I was ripped from my sleep and I panicked a little. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark and I could see Armani pulling me to the door that was open. I looked back to the couch and Will wasn't there to be seen.

I was being rushed to the back of the boat with Mr. Armani pulling me along. I could hear men running around and screaming and it made my panic increase

"What's going on?"

He stopped making me bump into his chest because I wasn't ready for the sudden stop.

"My ass of a son must really love you. He just set the ship on fire." He pushed me to keep moving.

I fell to the railing in front of me and looked down at my foot because it hit something hard. I saw a a metal box and I rushed to pick it up. I quickly turned around to hit him in the face with it.

As soon as he went down I took off wanting nothing but to get the hell away from here.

"Deans POV

Once we got on the boat we started to set fire to it. Once I found out they were seen getting on a ship I found a way to get out here with one of h own boats that was not to far from us right now. We took a small Speedboat to get here me Logan gunner and a few men.

We knew what we were doing. We were making sure this ship was going down.

Logan was running through the hall with me under the deck as we checked fast through every room.

"I GOT HIM!" Gunner hissed over our walkie-talkies making me and Logan stop.

"TOP DECK RUGHT SIDE!" He screamed. Logan looked up the stairs and we both rushed up thinking it was my father he had.

As we rush up we see Will run past our door. Once I saw him I jumped out pulling my gun on him calling his name.

He turned to me with his hands up looking like shit. He looked like he had just gotten out of a fight.

"Where the fuck is she!" I screamed

"I'm looking for my sister right now as well!"

"Just fucking shoot him" gunner hissed putting his gun up coming to a stop next to me.

"I swear. Your father called me out of the room to talk and next thing I knew I was about to be thrown off the damn boat!" He looked defenseless right now.

"Sounds like something dad would do" Logan said trying to make Will sound like he was telling the truth. It didn't matter he needed to die.
Right as I was going to shoot a round of shots came at us throwing us all off. Logan grabbed me pulling me back to the bottom of the boat where it was starting to get hot from the fire we started down here.

"Gunner don't" I hissed seeing him run off after Will again through the gun shots but it was to late. He was already running away.

"WE GOT TO FIND HER!" Logan hissed pulling me to the other side of the boat and down to the next door to the top deck. We rushed to get to the front dock where our small boat was waiting down below us.

"Where could she be!" I hissed looking at the smoke coming out of different places on the ship and people running everywhere.

The sound of a cough brought music to my ears as we both looked to the top deck in front of us to see Eliana running out of the smoke.

She grabbed a hold of the railing in front of her and looked below and I felt my body relax. Once she saw it was me a smile went across her face as she was about to turn to run to me. But nothing in my life is easy.

My father came out of the smoke and took a hold of her with a gun to her head. She struggled as me and Logan held up our guns to the man we wanted dead.

"My boys!" He screamed with a wicked smile on his face.

"Who would have thought this is where I would see you again." I stepped closer to get a better shot

"See the way I see it... I'm still in control." He laughed "I have your girl. I know you don't want her to have blood coming from her pretty little head so it's simple. I kill you both." He held his gun up to me and it was all in slow motion.

Eliana pushed his arm up with the gun and turned fast to start fighting with him and it.

"NO!" I screamed not waist it a second. Logan shot his gun but I wasn't stopping. I rushed to the set of stairs that went to that level and got up to see to see him on top of her with his hands wrapped around her throat. I ran at him taking him down fast.

I never thought my life could move this slow but it was. It was like I was having a hard time thinking about death. Like when my dad was sitting on me bringing his knife down towards me all I could think about is this is how it was going to happen. I wasn't ever going to marry the girl that I loved so much and fought to get here for. I was never going to have peace from the hell he putt us in.

But another gun shot went off... the life in my fathers eyes left and I saw his mouth drop.

We both looked to the side to see Eliana holding up a gun with tears rolling down her eyes. Logan rushed up behind her taking the gun from her hands.

I pushed dad to the side watching him role to look up at the sky. He laughed up blood looking at me above him.

"You won. Your going to carry the Armani family Mafia."

"That will die with you." I held my gun up to his head and put the man out of his misery

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