Chapter 8

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"I can't wear this

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"I can't wear this." I tried to rush back up the stairs but Gunner grabbed me by the waist and pulled me down.

"You look great Elianna! It's perfect" he put me down on my feet when he got down the stairs. I quickly fixed the dress that was riding up on me because it was so short.

Gunner came in with a bunch of dresses and shoes and told me to pick one out. This was the only one that was the most covered and had sleeves on it.

"Now let me give you some rules right now." I looked to Logan who was over talking to some guy who looked really scared out of his mind. The guy was dressed in a nice suit but he had cuts all over his face along with bruises. It looked like he was beat up before this.

"One you can't leave Zanes side at all." I nodded my head looking back to Gunner.

"Two you need to keep this on you." He gave me a phone. For the first time I actually had a phone in my hand. I never could have one when I was with my parents.

"Three you do what ever he tells you to do." Gunner pointed to the man I was looking at earlier who was now making his way over to us.

"You also have to wear this." A small little device was handed to me. I just looked down at it not knowing what it was.

"Here" Gunner took it from me putting it into my ear. It freaked me out a little but I held still.

"This way you will be able to hear us if we need to talk to you." I just nodded my head going along with what he was saying.

"The club opens in 30 minutes." The guy said as he kept his eyes casted down at the floor.

"Great Zane and you are going to get a ride from Deans driver. Dean thankfully had a meeting to go to but drove himself so you have a driver."

So what ever Dean did for work it must have been a pretty good job if he has his own driver.

We were rushed out to the car and put in it together. The ride was very very silent. No one said anything to each other. But once the car stopped Zane looked up to me.

"You have to stay with me. Don't look anyone in the eye and don't even talk."

I just nodded my head with how scared I felt now. He took my hand and pulled me out of the car. Flashing lights went off in my face as Zane pulled me through the people taking photos as we walked to these gold doors.

I didn't know where I was or what was going on around me. But I definitely couldn't get out of here this way. To many photographers are out here stopping me.

Once at the doors Zane said something to the bouncer who smiled and gave Zane a handshake before letting him in.

Now I had never been to a club once in my life. I really wasn't ready for what was coming to me. The lights and music were going crazy once the doors opened.

Zane still has his hand in mine as he pulled me towards VIP were he walked in like it was no problem.

"You want a drink?" He asked taking me to the bar right away.


He asked the bartender for two drinks and leaned in closer at one point so I couldn't hear what he was asking.

I looked around the place to see doors on the side with a bouncer standing guard at them.


I jumped a little when I heard Gunners voice in my ear.

"Tell Zane that he's sitting right over on the couch." I taped Zane on the shoulder and he turned to me.

"Gunner just said he's on the couch." Zane looked to where I was talking and I saw all the life leave his eyes.

"Who is that?" I asked but he didn't answer. He just took my hand and pulled me to go with him. We sat down next to the man and I could feel his and the girls he was with keep their eyes on me.

"Boss." Zane said with a small nod to the man.

"Zane where have you been? The boys went out looking for you last night. And what the hell happened to your face?"

Zane sat there for a second looking as scared as he did with Logan. For what?

"I went out to see an old friend last night and got my girl." He pulled me closer to him and I just played along.

"This is your girl?"

The mans eyes stayed on me as he looked me up and down. I felt the chills go up my body and sick to my stomach with his eyes on me. He was an older man and he was looking at me like I was a piece of meet.

"Now how did someone like you get someone like her?" He smiled looking his lips a little. I may not have known this guy but damn he was a creep.

"Say you grew up together." Gunner said in my ear

"We grew up together." I said quietly.

"Good don't want to make it look suspicious with just Zane talking" Gunner said.

"Oh really so your from Russia to?"

No! I wasn't from Russia! "Yes" I smiled nodding my head deciding to keep my mouth shut now.

"Well aren't you two the cutest couple then. So you were looking for me Zane? I saw you talking to Ricky." He pointed off to the bartender who brought us over our drinks.

I took mine from him and took a sip seeing that it was coke. But when I took the first sip something tasted off.

I turned back to Zane making a face. He laughed a little and pulled me closer.

"It's got Rum in it." There was alcohol in this?

"Yeah I was boss." Zane turned back to the boss "I wanted to ask when it was that De'Mario was coming into town and if you wanted me to stay outside where he was staying?"

"Your offering to help us with De'Mario?"

"W-well if you want it. I don't know where you have him staying but I thought I could help."

I got up and looked around but felt Zanes hand in mine.

"I'm just going to the bathroom." I said and he let me go.

"It's down that hall." He pointed to it and let me go off.

I practically ran to it as I thought that the bathroom would have a window in it that I could crawl out of. But with my luck no they didn't.

"Don't try to run Eliana. It wouldn't be smart" Gunner said in my ear as I looked around the bathroom. How the hell did he know I was trying to run?"


"Go back outside and sit with Zane."

I felt panic rise up in me as I tried to think of how he would know what I was doing.

I washed my hands off and went to open the door but stopped when I heard screaming. My had was on the handle but I heard people rushing around. I didn't want to open the door at first but I did.

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