Chapter 12

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Deans P.O.V

"You both fucked up." Doc hit me on the back of the head as he moved around me to get something .

"Hey I'm injured here could you be a little kind."

"You just told that girl You were in the mafia. That wasn't your first mistake though. Your first mistake was bringing her all into this thinking you could keep the truth from her." I grabbed the bottle of jack that he had and took a few sips of it before he got to work on the stitches.

"And what do you suppose I do Doc? If I left her there they would have killed her."

"So you trap her in hell?"he questioned looking up to me.

"She's safe with me." I hissed.

"You really don't get it do you." Doc leaned back in his seat. He was like the father I always needed. He took care of me and Logan after all the hell happened to us. He was there for my mother when she needed it and tried to help save my sister a few times before.

"Your mother wanted so much better for you boys and your sister. She wanted you all to never grow up in the horrible world of your dads mafia. If you cared about this girl which I can see that you do by the Googly eyes you were giving her and that little scene that just happened a few minutes ago in her. You could get her out of this life."

Just the thought of my mother and my sister made me want to break. I took the bottle this time taking a big swig of it.

"My mother had a chance to leave." I let out softly and a had to the back of my head went again.

"Now you know that isn't true." He hissed. I knew I made him mad by saying that. See the truth was I knew Doc loved my mother. He was her best friend but I knew there was always something more between the two growing up. She never really loved my father. Which if you knew the man you could understand why. But I knew she loved doc.

"Your mother tried to get you guys out of there. After what happened with Rachel..." he stopped what he was saying not wanting to say the word everyone avoided like the plague when she was brought up. "After what happened with your sister she didn't know what else to do. Your father was hurting them both while making you and your brother the best soldiers he could."

He finished up his work on the stitches and stepped back cleaning things off and cleaning up.

"Now for you and your brother. If you two don't stop fighting like little kids then I'll start treating you two like your kids again. It's bull that you two act like this. Your the older brother Dean. Your supposed to learn to take the high road. And for god sakes your all what each other has left."

I nodded my head listening to what he said. I knew he was right but why did I always have to be the one to fix shit.

Walking out of the room I buttoned up my shirt and looked to see Eliana asleep on Logan's shoulder.

"Doc and I had a talk." I said working on the last two buttons.

"What he said was right. Your all I got Logan. You and Sage are my family and I want it to stay that way. And for that I have to start trusting you more."


"Let me finish here I'm trying to give a good speech." He chuckled and rolled his eyes but let me continue.

"I know you want De'Mario. I know you want him dead because of what he did to Grace and I can promise you that will happen. But I need you to trust me with the way I do things. Gunners plan was good but I didn't want it to happen with Eliana."

He nodded his head looking down at her "it's because you care for her. I understand Dean but I mean it when I said I tried to talk her out of it. She wanted to do it. We later found out she did it to run. But she's still here with you. But I get it now. I know we hurt you by letting her go."

Well that was a relief knowing that now. I actually felt like he listened to me for once.

"But she's going to need to know everything Dean. She's in this mess now." And that was the part that I didn't want.

I knew she was in this mess now and I was going to get her out of it.

"Let's go home"

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