Chapter 16

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Deans P.O.V

As we went down the dark ass Desert we could see our destination ahead.

"Lights off." I said as Logan got closer. He took a mental photo of where the place was before doing so.

"Stop the car up ahead at that one." There was one car that we could hide ours behind. One more car pulled up behind mine with more of my men in it.

"Gunner you take them and go through the back. Me and Logan will take two and go through the front up to the rooms."

"Got it boss." Gunner grabbed his gun and quickly got out of the car making sure to leave the door open so it didn't leave a sound.

I fixed up my gun but could feel Logan's eyes on me.

"Do you promise if something ever happened to me you would take care of Sage."

My head snapped fast to him. "Nothing is going to happen to you."

"I'm just saying Dean. If something ever did you would."

"I wouldn't let anything happen to you. But yes I'm going to make sure that little girl grows up knowing where she came from."

He smiled with a nod and grabbed this stuff from the back.

"Let's go"

We both rushed out to the front door taking it down as we heard Gunner go through the back. Already I could hear gun shots and it made us all run for cover.

I ducked behind a couch and grabbed the knife at my right ankle. I stood fast throwing it to the first guy I saw who was about to shoot at my one guy that was trying to push his way closer. It got him right in the shoulder taking him down.

Me and Logan looked to each other and knew where we had to go right away. We both took off to the steps going up to look for the one person we needed right now.

"De'Mario!" I screamed going down a hallway with Logan checking every room as we went. One guy jumped out of a room and Logan shot him before he had a chance to pick up his gun.

We both stopped and looked down at him. "Guess it's a good thing they are slow with a gun." I laughed stepping over his body.

"I'm here." We heard as we rounded a corner. I was the first in the room seeing De'Mario sitting behind a desk. He looked like he knew he was defeated and decided not to do anything about it.

"The Armani Boys. My have you two grown from the last time I've seen you both."

"Let's skip the small talk." Logan sighed leaning on a wall "We're is all the shipments you have from our father."

"What no reminiscing on the good times? You know your father used to brag about how smart you were Logan. He saw good things for you."

"Is it in this place?" I looked around thinking maybe he hid it in plane sight.

"And you Dean. You were his favorite little prodigy. He knew all he had to do was break you and then your brother would fall." Logan held up his gun making De'Mario laugh.

"To answer your previous answer yes it is. I know why you boys are here. You want me dead and you want what your father brought from home."

"You boy are also here for that sweet little thing that got hurt at the club the other night." I lifted mine as soon as I saw that smirk on his face at the mention of Eliana.

"Your father liked what he saw" he laughed

"Don't bother though you two with that. I've already helped you with that." He lifted his hand up and we both saw his thumb on a button and that made both of us realize what was going on.

Elianas P.O.V.

I laid back on the bed and looked down at my leg. I had so much pain in my leg right now it wasn't even fun. Willy told me he was going to get me another set of crutches because I left mine and ran on my foot. He also said he was going to call doc to see if he could come and check on me.

I lifted my head to look across the hall to see Sage asleep in her bed. She had been through a lot in the past few hours and I was happy when as soon as I got her a bath she was ready to go to sleep.

My stomach started to rumble making me realize I haven't had anything in a while. I took hold of the side of the bed and tried to put my weight on my other foot as I hoped down the hall to the steps.

"What do you mean he was in the house!" I heard Willy screaming as I came down the steps slowly. I made sure he didn't hear mw as I crept down.

"No. Please god no." He said softly as he sat down on the couch with his back to me. He ran his hands through his hair and I realized he was shaking. I sat down in the one step not being able to hold myself up anymore.

"Is he dead." His voice cracked "IS DEAN DEAD"

I covered my mouth as he said that not letting the noise that was stuck in my throat come out.

"He is."

"No." I said making Willy jump up fast. He turned to me and I saw his face go from anger to sadness so fast.

"Your hearing that wrong" tears filled my eyes as I stood up.



He rushed to me as I tried to go up the stairs. He grabbed my struggling body as I reached the top of the steps

"HES NOT!!" I hit his chest as he pulled me close keeping me off my other foot.

"I'm so sorry." Was all I heard him say. My ears were ringing. My body felt like it was shutting down and then my eyes rolled back and the last thing I remembered was seeing the concern on his face before everything went black.

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