Chapter 6

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"Boss you'll be happy with me." Gunner said somehow showing on my side. He walked with me as I made my way to my office.

"How is that?"

"I have one of his men." I stopped dead in my tracks as he said that looking back to him. He knew what this meant. Everyone did.

"So how did you find him?" Logan asked as all three of us stood around the guy that was tied to a chair passed out.

"It was real simple actually. I have a special friend that works at the club that De' Mario's men usually go to." He smirked a little to much on special friend. "Anyway she got me in and I just found the most drunk one I could find."

All the sudden the guy threw up all over himself as he started to come to.

"Aww looks like our buddy is going to be hurting." Logan smirked

"Where the fuck am I." He hissed as he tried to lift his head with the bright light on him. "Hell" left Gunners lips as he stepped to the side going to the corner of the room.

As he lifted his head he made eye contact with me and I saw them sink as he realized who I was. It brought joy to me seeing that face. When spoken realizes who I am and what I'm going to do to them. It's a sense of pride almost to my ego.

"Now we are going to have some fun." I looked to Logan and stepped back so that he could take over.

"We want to know where De' Mario is going to be having his Exchange with Warren."

"I-I think it's just outsider town in a wear house that De' Mario owns." He said quickly making this a lot less fun because that meant we didn't get to beat it out of him.

"And where is it that he's staying before this?"

"I-I don't know. I think it's somewhere in town but I wasn't informed yet."

I looked at the boys and they nodded there heads "we could send him in as a spy?" Gunner said first.

"We could just kill him and just find him ourselves?" Logan was next.

I looked back at the man who seemed to be scared out of his mind. It was always fun to watch them sweat.

"How would we insure he wouldn't turn on us if we sent him in?"

"Camera and he could take someone in with him." I liked this idea more then just trying to figure out where they were.

"Looks like you get to live another day" I smiled smacking his face a little as he started to cry.

I made my way back to where my Angel was and found her asleep in the rocking chair with Sage. It was a sight that I'm happy I didn't miss.

But realization hit me fast standing here looking at the beauty. I brought her into a world that was so fucked up. I brought her into something that could have her killed and she doesn't even know it yet. I promised myself I would keep this one safe. I wouldn't let anything bad happened to her because this time it could end me if I did.

Sorry for the small update I will have more for you guys soon. I've been going through a lot lately and haven't felt like posting but I promise I will have something soon

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