Chapter 1

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And may I please warn you, I can't write the characters exactly as they are so probably most of the time, they're out of character


Peacefully floating in space, Aeria kept her eyes closed. It's been a hundred years since the planet she came from was destroyed by Frost Giants. It was quiet, awfully quiet and she wasn't used to quiet places, back in the past her family is always loud and happy but now they're all gone.

Aeria was the only survivor.

She survived because of her father's sacrifice, throwing the girl out of their planet with a flying jet that was soon destroyed by an asteroid. Aeria has gone through a lot for a hundred years? Who knows? Their age is different from normal people.

Loneliness. What an incredible feeling. A feeling that can destroy someone in just a few seconds. In the middle of that loneliness, a bright, powerful colorful lights trailed the remains of the destroyed planet. Aeria opened her eyes and watched two young boys arrive, the two were inspecting the planet hoping there was a survivor and there was, it was Aeria that had caught their attention.

"Brother, I found one!"

A blonde boy approached Aeria.

The girl panicked and was too traumatized to move that she unintentionally blasted the boy away with a magic shield. Aeria gritted her teeth in embarrassment, she didn't mean to do that she just panicked that her body moved without thinking.


The boy with black hair laughed, watching his brother get blasted before grabbing the chance to slowly approach Aeria.

"Perhaps, you're a survivor?" the boy asked

The little nodded "Yes."

"I'm Thor and this is my brother, Loki!" the blonde boy named Thor rubbed his brother's head before giving a bright smile "Get off of me!" Loki pushed the boy away before taking Aeria's hand.

"This is a waste of time, let us go back home. We do not want to make mother and father wait anymore"

Aeria's eyebrow twitched when she felt jealousy from Loki's touch, why was the young boy jealous? She didn't understand any of it.

"Come on, you're safe with us" Thor gave a reassuring smile, Aeria nodded at the same time the bright colorful light sucked them in.

The whole travel, the brothers didn't let go of the girl. As if she was a family member that needs protection for being too fragile.

Thor smiled as they returned home, the eternal realm –Asgard. A kingdom that bought peace and havoc in the other realms with great power.

"Mother, Mother! We're back and we found one survivor!" Thor yelled once they entered the palace, Aeria looked around, she wasn't familiar with the place. The only planet she knew was their planet now that's gone forever.

"You don't have to shout across the hallway, Thor." a woman got up from the throne and approached the three children "Mother can hear you perfectly fine."

"Loki said I should do it anyway." Thor pointed at his brother "I did not!" Loki defended himself before shooting a glare at the blonde boy.

"I am Frigga, can I see you?" Frigga knelt to match their height, she offered her palm "I'm Aeria, Your Highness.." the girl slowly touched the queen's hand, she felt shy because her hands were dirty due to the explosion that happened "Come on, now. Let's get you cleaned up before meeting Odin." Frigga calmly got up and started walking, Aeria glanced at the brothers but Loki was the only one who noticed since Thor was busy telling stories to his mother.

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