Chapter 9

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Aeria gasped, bolting up from the bed. She panted heavily, putting a hand on her chest, she looked around and found herself back in her bedroom in the compound. She blinked, shaking her head.

It was an illusion. A dream. A nightmare. A vision. She didn't know what it was but it felt real. She huffed, slipping out of bed to go and get ready.

It didn't matter anymore whether it was an illusion, hallucination, dream, nightmare, or a vision. It was probably another meaningless dream, she was used to having them. Aeria walked into the living room where the others were, she took notice of Wanda and Pietro standing in one corner together and another new member of the team –a robot.

"Who's this?" Aeria asked as she joined them.

"I am Vision." the robot talked. Oh, good, another talking robot with the Mind stone on its head, what could possibly go wrong with this one?

Aeria approached Hela who stood farthest from the rest, she wrapped her arms around the goddess and embraced her "What happened?" she asked.

"The Maximoff girl controlled your mind." Hela wrapped an arm around Aeria's torso, pressing a kiss on her forehead "What did you see?"

The witch sighed against her shoulder "Later."

"We should not waste any more time."

Vision lifted Mjolnir from the table, offering it to the God of Thunder who stood confused. The others stood, staring confusedly at the two. None of them were able to lift Mjolnir, clearly stating they weren't worthy enough but this robot just did.

"Uh... thank you?" Thor took his hammer confusedly.

Vision nodded "You are welcome."

Silence fell upon the room. Well, that was awkward.

Aeria walked around outside alone, feeling the cold wind blow against her skin. Hela was inside, making her coffee, surprisingly, the goddess was a quick learner. She knew how much Aeria liked hand made coffee rather than the one from the machine or magic made so when Aeria asked for one, she immediately went for the job.

While walking, the witch noticed a familiar presence of power nearby. She glanced at the nearby bench, seeing the Maximoff girl sitting there, controlling small rocks with her red waves.

Aeria walked towards her "Wanda."

Wanda crushes the rocks in surprise, she glances over her shoulder and immediately stands up, ready to defend herself upon seeing Aeria. The brunette witch shook her head, pointing at the bench.

"Sit down, no need for that."

The woman stared at her, looking for any suspicious motives and when she found none, she sat back on the bench. Aeria sat on the opposite end, leaving a space between them.

"I'm sorry." Wanda said, staring at her hands "For putting you through that pain when we first met but I'm not sorry for defending myself earlier."

"I understand." Aeria replied "How do you do it?"

"I don't. It comes naturally, I hate it." Wanda shook her head "I'm the one who gives people nightmares."

"Can you control what you give them?"

"No, I only show them their biggest fear."

Aeria nods, she pursed her lips, she remembered it, walking in that dark place then suddenly finding a door to a nursery room "Are they visions? Or dreams?" she asked, remembering how the child stopped crying when their eyes met, how she cooed when Aeria touched her cheek.

"I told you, they're fears."

Aeria shook her head "I don't think what you showed me is my fear or a nightmare." she said with a smile.

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