Chapter 14

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Aeria was a lot of things but a fighter wasn't one of them. She was an excellent swordsman, even successfully beating the valkyries. She possesses the most powerful magic of all, dark magic. Yet even after having those things, she can't fight.

She couldn't.

Fighting one or two men were easy, she could do it but fighting a lot of them? An entire army? She couldn't. It brings back too many horrible memories. She could remember the day Hela fought an entire army alone for her just because she was too afraid to move. She could have died if it wasn't Hela there with her.

It was early in the morning when Aeria stood in the empty room, stretching her fingers. She wiped the sweat off her forehead, licking her lips before letting herself fall on the floor with a sigh. She had just finished shredding all of Stark's robots that he said could help her use her powers and allow her to practice more. Some of them were called holograms, either way, they all ended up broken.

Broken just like her.

She stood up, grabbed her gloves from the table on her way out, shutting the door close. As she arrived in her bedroom, she lets out a sigh while looking around, taking in the empty space.

She closed her eyes, letting herself remember.


It was already late but Aeria couldn't find herself falling asleep any time soon. She slipped out of bed, pulling her dark brown hair back, her fingers sliding through her waves. She went out of her chambers, quietly walking through the dark hallway to the grand hall.

When she pushed the heavy doors open, she found a goddess inside the grand hall, looking up to the murals with the moonlight shining upon her, making her pale skin glow. Aeria feels a smile form on her lips, admiring the beautiful sight.

The Goddess of Death glanced over her shoulder, seeing Aeria standing by the door "Darling." she uttered, voice low and quiet but it sounded lovely.

Like a hushed whisper into the night.

Aeria leaves the door to close, she walks up to the goddess, hands on her back "Found you." she said.

Hela turns to face her, bringing a hand up to tuck a loose stray of hair behind Aeria's ear "How did you know I was here?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

Aeria shrugged "I just knew you were here."

The goddess rolled her eyes.

The brunette chuckled, she placed her hands on Hela's shoulders, looking up to stare at the painted murals. It was all painted with gold now, with the king's change of heart, his beautiful and good kingdom with peace. His wife and his sons.

But not his daughter.

"I used to be there." Hela said "I used to be a part of those murals, with my greatest triumph and all the victories and wars I've won." she looked down to Aeria who still stared at the ceiling.

"What happened, then?" Aeria asked.

"He had no use for me anymore." the goddess told her "I was a child and he put weapons in my hands. I was a child and he made me do things that made me sick every single day until I got used to them." her voice becomes more quiet as she continued to speak "I lived to serve him all my life so that he never lifts a finger and then when he suddenly changed his mind of the life he wanted, he threw me away and forgot all about me."

"He made everyone forget about me."

Aeria's eyes dropped from the ceiling to Hela's emerald ones. She watched the goddess. Oh, how she wanted to drown into those emerald eyes.

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