Chapter 5

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It's been a week. A week and nothing has happened yet. Thor and Loki helped Aeria learn about her powers more and also helped her talk to Hela every once in a while when they can but the goddess seems to be having serious business back in Asgard that she always leaves Aeria a message and doesn't meet her but none of this made the girl upset, she understood Hela has problems to deal with.

"Just lift your hand, lift it." Thor adjusted Aeria's hand higher "No, that's too high." Loki pulled it down "No, it's supposed to be that high." Thor pulled it back up "I said it's too high." Loki grabbed Aeria's hand and Thor did the same.

Aeria chuckled before controlling both away from her, this has been going for weeks and they always have their stupid argument on how high she should lift her hands.

"It's okay this way, right?" Aeria placed her hand right in front of her stomach "Right." the two nodded, having no will to argue with her.

"Good." the brunette smiled "I want to practice my levitation." she mentioned, putting her hands down, letting them drop on her sides.

"Thor can help you with that, flying isn't really my thing." Loki said since he didn't really have levitation powers, it wasn't his natural power.

"Don't worry, Loki." Aeria pats his shoulder "You'll help me with my teleportation. It would be lovely."

Loki nodded at her "I'm sure it will be, sister."

"Come on, Thor. I'll see you later, Loki." Aeria waved her hand to Loki who flashed them a small smile as he watched them fly away from him.

Eventually, as he stood outside, Agent Romanoff walked out of the building, holding two drinks in each hands. "Hey, where's Aeria?" she asked.

"In the sky with my brother." Loki looked up to the sky "Isn't that dangerous?" Natasha asked "No, it is perfectly normal for us Asgardians." Loki glanced at the agent who looked so worried.

"I advice you don't listen to what your heart is telling you, Agent." Loki quietly said.

"What?" the agent asked.

"You like Aeria, you must stop it." Loki replied.

Natasha frowned at her, there was a glint in her eyes Loki very well knew "I don't like Aeria."

"You do and you better stop it, Agent Romanoff." Loki warned for the last time before walking away from her "Before it's too late." he muttered.

Aeria laughed while spinning around, she successfully mastered her levitation powers. Thor followed the woman and they both flew upwards.

"This is amazing!" she giggled.

"It is, you know if you fully master your powers you should try lifting my hammer." Thor suggested.

Aeria raised an eyebrow "But only worthy people can do that." she said, it was the rule of Odin.

"Then let's find out if you're worthy or not." the blonde smiled before dragging the brunette down towards the ground. As they landed, Natasha stood waiting for them, she  covered her face, the wind impact blew towards her when the two arrived.

"I have drinks!"

"Oh, good! Where's Loki?" Aeria took the drink.

"He left a few minutes ago." Natasha said.

"Oh. I'll go find him." Aeria glanced at Thor then shot Natasha a grateful look before leaving, she walked around the building and saw Loki not far from the back benches, sitting alone in there.

"Hey." Aeria called.

Loki looked over his shoulder "Ah, you found me."

"What are you doing there? Come on, let's go." the brunette stood behind him, putting her hands on his shoulders "Did you stab Thor again?" she asked.

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