Chapter 15

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They always called her a sweet girl who loved helping people and answering their voices.

From what she could remember, she was the only daughter in their family. Her father was the king of their kingdom and her mother was a witch. She used to remember stories being told by her mother, the stories of witches and their mothers.

The uncontrollable power they possess that she shall have soon, when the time is right.

She was barely old enough as a child when the frost giants attacked their home and invaded them. They went to the castle first, hunting the king and his wife and child. But they found the wife first with the child, the giants had cursed her mother for being a witch and slit her throat, making her child watch everything. By the time her father had arrived, her mother was long gone.

He barely managed to save his own child, sacrificing himself in order to get her to safety and the only way to do that was to get her as far away as possible. When he did, he met his own death.

She watched her people die, she watched them get slaughtered by frost giants, with her own eyes. Their screams haunted her 'til this day.

They called her a sweet girl without knowing what happens behind those gigantic doors of the palace. They don't know how she lost herself. How the coward of a king they had took away her innocence, her lover, and her freedom.

Aeria was that sweet girl whose silver eyes once twinkled with good and hope but now, all there was in her glowing eyes were pure anger.

"Aeria." Frigga approaches her, gently touching her arm "Are you alright?" she asks, cupping the witch's face with her other free hand.

"I'm going to kill him." the witch muttered through gritted teeth, she glanced at the queen with a smile "I'm going to kill your husband until I'm satisfied."

Unhinged and ruthless.

Aeria released herself from Frigga's hold, she stood up and walked towards Odin who stood unfazed by her but his grip around his spear told another story. She stood in front of him, staring into his eyes "You will release Hela or I will destroy everything you love." she uttered.

"Declaring war against me will gain you nothing."

Aeria shook her head with a smile "It will gain me the satisfaction of killing you. In front of the whole kingdom you love so much." she said "And it's not war I want, you're the one who wishes for it." she stepped closer "But if it's war you want so much against me, then I will give it to you." she spared him one last glance before walking away.

"Tomorrow at dawn." she said over her shoulder.

The witch sent a magical wave towards the swordkeeper, his eyes glowed black as he twisted the sword between his palms and the bifrost opens. Without looking back, she stepped through the bifrost and left Asgard. For now.

"You brought this upon yourself, Odin!"

The queen had never felt more angrier in her entire life than now. Her screams echoed through the palace like never before. She never screamed. She was the gentlest woman on Asgard.

But a woman can only be pushed so far and she was on the edge of everything.

She paced around the hall, hands clasped tightly against her stomach as her dress trailed behind her. Everything was a mess but her husband got what he wanted, didn't he? He finally pushed Aeria to her limit, he finally made her go mad.

"I am prepared." came her husband's reply.

"You do not know the powers you are messing with." Frigga hissed "She could have killed you if she wanted to before and she will certainly do it now! What were you thinking?"

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