Chapter 20

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The palace hasn't changed at all.

Dark voices and memories crawled behind the bright, golden walls of it. No matter how much they tried to cover it up with excessive ornaments and decorations, the darkness still lingered.

It was funny to think that the very place where she found peace and love in was now the place she hated the most. It also was really amazing to think that the royal family manages to hide their true selves behind those kind smiles they show to the people, that they manage to cover up every single horrible thing that happens behind closed doors.

Just like tonight.

Her stomach felt like twisting, she felt sick as she stood under the huge golden doors leading to the inside of the palace. The people had gathered in the palace to experience and celebrate the joyous coronation of their soon to be new king.

Something didn't feel right. The cold wind made her skin crawl in fear, something felt wrong. And odd. She was sure of it but she didn't know what.

There were a very few familiar faces in the crowd, the other Avengers were present, some faces they fought with back on Midgard. She hugged herself, suddenly feeling unfamiliar of everything.

It wasn't until she felt a hand on her waist, her head turned to see Hela standing behind her with a small smirk on her lips. She wore her armour, green lines slithering through her black leather, her green cape trailing behind her, her long, black raven hair loose and straight. A black lipstick on her lips. It was odd to see her wearing one but nevertheless, she looked more beautiful with it.

"Where have you been?" Aeria asked, taking her wife's arm as they started walking towards the great hall where the ceremony will be held.

As they walked through the walls, the people moved away to make them a path. She could hear the whispers and feel the stares. But none of them dared to look in their eyes as they all cowered in fear from their presence alone.

The Goddess of Death was –is feared in every realm. From the moment she was born, the universe had known to fear her. And now, Aeria, the once sweet girl the realm had known had turned cold and murderous. She was the one who murdered Asgard's army, of course they will be talking about her, staring at her like she was the enemy. Like she was the monster.

But she felt nothing of it. She doesn't regret what she's done, what happened was the result of Odin's decision. It was inevitable but he chose the wrong way, he chose to push her off the edge then blame her for everything. Make an enemy out of her.

She doesn't regret a thing.

"Here and there." replied Hela.

Aeria rolled her eyes "It is bad enough I came back here with you. Do make sure you behave and answer my questions properly or I'm leaving."

"I went to see my dear brother, is that bad enough, darling?" the goddess glanced at her from the corner of her eyes, watching her expression "Do not worry, dear, I didn't do anything to him."

"I won't be surprised if he surrenders the throne to you right after he is crowned because of what you did." Aeria deadpanned "And I am not going to ask anymore, you always find a way to spike chaos."

Hela hummed, smiling "You know me so well."

"Well, I do love you." Aeria muttered.

They stopped in front of the great hall, in front of its closed golden doors. She could feel the ground beneath them rumble and vibrate, she could hear the joyous cheers of the people inside.

For a moment, she felt frozen. The fear behind her back had only crawled further into her body, igniting the fire inside her. This felt wrong. Aeria looked up to Hela who stared at her, emerald eyes glowing with concern "Is everything alright?"

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