Chapter 22

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The universe spun with altering realities.

They say dreams are just fractions of events our minds make up. But for people who excels in magic, dreams are fractions of alternate realities of ourselves. Our lives from another universe.

The multiverse. The multiverse is a theory people know very little about, even gods. No one has ever dared to break or enter the multiverse, no history of it has ever been written or recorded.

The universe spun in her hand as she walked through different realities, her powers bending each universe into her hands. She stopped walking, finding another universe she set her eyes onto. A witch and a goddess, living happily.

Another universe for her to see.

The fire from the mantel went out before it ignited back. A dark aura falling into the palace, the queen stood in front of the mantel, eyes curious, her blood running cold. It has been such a long time since the world felt like this, like a ticking bomb, waiting for a trigger to explode.

"Mother." the doors to the royal lounge opened, she glanced over her shoulder to see her sons with the same look on their faces as she did.

She nodded firmly "We must see your father."

"The power we felt just now." said Loki.

Thor blinked "It felt oddly familiar."

"It is." said Frigga, her hands clasped together as they walked towards the grand hall "I have no doubt about it." she said "It's their powers."

Aeria slowly opened her eyes, her once silver eyes now violet. She blinked at the blinding light of the sun from the window near the bed. She didn't remember having a glass window back in the castle nor the palace. With a frown, she pushed herself up, her hands against the mattress under her, she glanced around the room.

It felt somehow familiar.

Before she could slip out of bed, the door across the room opened. A goddess entered the room, her eyes immediately falling on her wife who stared confusedly back at her "Oh, good. You're awake."

Aeria watched Hela approach her with a blank expression "Where are we?" the witch asked.

"Stark's." answered Hela.

Something was wrong. Hela never calls Stark with his correct name, she always calls him names. And the way she speaks, it was cold. Aeria never had the chance to feel how Hela truly felt but after their years together, she learned how to read her.

"You have got to stop doing that." Hela suddenly said as she dozed off into her thoughts, Aeria blinked, looking up to the goddess confusedly.

"Do what?"

"Fainting on me. If you keep doing that, you will be the reason of my death. Of our deaths." Hela said, sitting down right next to Aeria "How are you feeling?" she asked but her voice was still cold.

Aeria shrugged, leaning her head against her wife's shoulder "I saw my dead mother in my dreams." she muttered, closing her eyes "We talked, she came with a warning." she said.

"What warning?"

"That I mustn't let the darkness to control me."

Aeria feels Hela's cold lips against her forehead, her arm around her waist "She is right." she whispered and Aeria opens her eyes to look up, raising her eyebrows, Hela frowned "What?"

"You just said my dead mother is right." Aeria smiled teasingly "And you never, ever admits when one is right. What is going on inside your head, darling?" she asked, leaning upwards until the tips of their noses touched "What is it?"

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