Chapter 8

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"How did you get to Asgard?"

Storming inside a dark facility under the snow is not what she had in mind. Aeria ran with Natasha as they split into pairs to work faster.

Natasha jerked her head "It's a long story."

Aeria raised her hands, aiming it towards the armed men who arrived. Before they could point their guns at them, her magic had already snapped their necks, leaving them to drop dead on the floor.

The brunette glanced at the redhead "I have time."

Natasha stared at her "Since when did you get so brutal?" she asked as they walked together. Aeria was never this brutal when she was with them.

"Since my father-in-law wanted me and his own daughter dead." Aeria glanced around the place, it was mostly made out of metal.

"Right." Natasha said "How are you?"

"You suck at flirting, Romanoff!" Stark interrupted through their comms "Capsicle, Shakespeare and I are on our way to the third floor." he informed.

Aeria raised an eyebrow "Capsicle? Shakespeare?"

Natasha rolled her eyes "Steve and Thor."

Aeria chuckled "Ah, I see." she nodded "Well, I am doing fine at the moment, Agent Romanoff."

"Good. How are things with that goddess?"

"Fine. We're better than ever, in fact."

"Still going to conquer realms with her?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. I will still do it."

"Does Thor agree with this?"

"His opinion does not matter."

Red. Aeria stopped walking when she saw a flash of red behind a corner. She stood steady, black magic flowing in her fingers as she looked around.

Natasha looked back, stopping when she noticed Aeria wasn't beside her anymore "What is it-"

"Natasha!" the redhead glanced behind her but all she saw was a flash of red. The unknown woman beside Natasha looked over to Aeria, red magic waves in her hands.

Aeria flicked her hands, wrapping her magic around the woman as she tried to flee then closed her fist, bringing the woman closer to her but before she could touch her, a flash of blue pushed her away and grabbed the woman, running away.

With a huff, Aeria pulled Natasha into a corner, she seemed to be in a haze and wouldn't respond. Another huff, Aeria walked away and blasted the ceiling, flying up to find Thor or anyone.

At her second luck, she found Thor with Steve and Tony on the third floor standing at one side of the bridge while the opposite of them stood a talking machine made out of metal, his whole body looked odd and behind him was the same brunette woman that she encountered and a man with white hair.

As they talked, the machine looked past the men, its red glowing eyes darting on the woman "You're new." it raised its arm, pointing at Aeria.

The brunette woman stared back at him "Who..."

"Ah, what a pity." the machine tilted its head "A poor, helpless young girl left alone in space with nothing." he spoke as if he knew her.

"How did you know that?" Aeria asked.

"It's written all over your face, little girl." the machine answered and before it could open its mouth again, it was sent flying against a wall, past the two behind it who glared at Aeria as she raised her hand, aiming it at the machine.

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