Chapter 12

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The fire illuminates light to the dark dungeon, the air was cold, and it was awfully quiet. Aeria didn't like the quiet one bit and Hela knows that so when they fall into an uncomfortable silence, she spoke.

"You look lovely in that dress."

Aeria looked down, she was wearing a lavender dress that covered her neck and her arms. She still wore gloves that matched her dress. Her brunette hair was long and wavy as usual, just like how Hela loves it. The witch blinked "You gave me this."

"I remember." Hela said "Hundredth anniversary."

"Hm." Aeria hummed "It took us two thousand years to admit our feelings to each other. I wouldn't exactly call that our anniversary." she said.

Hela chuckled darkly, her small laugh echoing through the dungeon, bringing music to Aeria's ears and making her smile "Well, we already knew, didn't we? No words were needed to be spoken."

Aeria actually agrees with that.

"Our first kiss." Hela told her "Well, not quite exactly but the first time you kissed me. On my cheek." she grinned like the devil, it made Aeria's cheek feel hot and turn red "I made it into our anniversary."

"Well, we have a real anniversary now. " said Aeria, she found herself tucking a long stray of brown hair behind her ear "And a real first kiss, too."

They smile at each other, genuinely with hearts beating fast and red cheeks. Aeria cleared her throat, composing herself "Are you sure about this?" she asked, now suddenly feeling ill and odd.

The goddess sighed, she shrugged "I may have not thought about this thoroughly."

"No, you certainly did not." Aeria said sternly.

Hela stared at her, a look she only gives when she knows she's wrong but refuses to admit it. Aeria rolled her eyes, taking a step closer and Hela did the same thing. They stood close with the bars between them but that didn't stop Hela from reaching for Aeria's hands, holding them through the bars.

"We'll be giving up a lot." whispered Aeria.

"When has our relationship ever been easy?" Hela tries to smirk, she really tries to but fails miserably.

Aeria frowns at that "You asked Odin to banish you and bound your imprisonment to his life. Do you know how long that would be? Who knows what could happen? What the future holds?"

"You do, darling." Hela softly said.

Aeria stared at her "What?"

"I read books about your powers." the goddess squeezed her hands "I also did practically everything to learn more about you. And with your powers, you can foresee the future." she smiled "Brief visions."

Visions? Aeria remembers one. Her first. The one Wanda had given her. When she saw a child in a crib whose name was Eclipsa who had familiar emerald eyes and beautiful giggles.

"You did all that?" the witch asked.

The goddess smiled "I love you, darling."

That warms her heart. Every day, Aeria is reminded of how much she loves Hela. Every day, she learns new things about the goddess that makes her fall more in love with her. And every day, she realizes how much she would die if Hela wasn't there.

And losing her was her greatest fear.

God, she couldn't care less if she lost everything, just not Hela. Just not the love of her life.

"There has to be some other way." Aeria said "I will be careful, I promise I won't leave you. There has to be something we can do about this curse."

"We can't do anything." Hela softly uttered "I love you so much, my Aeria and I'm afraid that the more I love you, the more I put your life in danger."

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