Chapter 23

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The witch and the goddess watched the little girl sitting in front of them, happily eating the star shaped cookie in her hand. The little girl had long raven hair that was slightly curled, just like Aeria's, she had the most curious and adorable emerald eyes, much like Hela's and the sweetest smile.

The little girl stared at the two older women, a pink icing on the side of her lips "Hm?" she curiously tilted her head to the side.

"I do not quite understand, darling." Hela said, glancing at her wife from the corner of her eyes "Is this the same Aurora you see in your visions?" she pointed at the little spawn as if she was an object.

Aeria blinked dumbly, for the first time in her life she have never felt so confused. Her eyes never left the girl as she stared back at her "I am not quite certain, dearest." she admitted.

If they were the same Aurora she sees in her visions then how come the little girl was here? Right in front of them? In their universe? In this timeline? Not to mention, she was grown.

Aeria hasn't been pregnant, she was sure of that. Being a woman with child in another realm like Asgard or Stormland where it thrives from power was slightly different from other realms. As two powerful beings that possessed powerful magics, it was possible for Aeria to get pregnant with Hela's seidr. Well, they have been very careful upon deciding it wasn't the right time yet.

She hasn't been pregnant, if she was, she was sure she will remember giving birth to a child.

It only led her to one conclusion, Aurora isn't meant to exist in this timeline yet.

But here she was, eating a cookie as if nothing had happened moments ago. As if she didn't stop time and manipulated it. The queen and her sons are with the royal court, tending to the people, deciding whether what to do with the elves while Aeria and Hela took Aurora somewhere else safe and hidden while royal knights and other warriors paroled the kingdom for any left dark elves.

"Aurora, sweetheart?" Aeria gently called.

The little girl hummed, looking at her "Mommy?"

The name still warms her heart, Aeria flashed a small and reassuring smile "Can I ask how you get here and what are you doing here?"

The questions takes Aurora's smile away. Aeria's panic and worry becomes visible when she quickly took Hela's hand, gripping it tightly, afraid the little girl might cry again.

"I..." Aurora starts, her eyes falling onto the table as she refuses to see the witch "I was looking for you, Mommy." she mumbled "You and Mama." she sniffled "I saw this place and I followed you."

Aeria eyes the little girl carefully "And can I know where you came from?" she quietly asked.

Aurora's shoulders shook "Another universe."


"Mother." the queen barely closes her eyes when she hears the doors into the infirmary open. She glanced over her shoulder, finding her eldest child walking into the room, closing the door.

Hela eyes the few servants and ladies in waiting that sat around the queen's bed, caring for their queen. She waved a dismissive hand "Leave."

With her command, the women rises to their feet, bowing to their queen and to the Goddess of Death before taking their leave. Once they were left alone, Hela looked back at her stepmother.

Frigga looks back, dark marks under her eyes. She looked fairly fine, her hair wasn't a tangled mess anymore, it was perfectly brushed but the darkness and exhaustion visible in her eyes lingered no matter how much she smiled.

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