Chapter 6

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Hela stared at the beautiful witch beside her, Aeria was peacefully sleeping while the goddess couldn't even close her eyes. She was too worried that something might happen any time and she has to protect Aeria.


The goddess hummed "Hm, I'm right here."

"Can't sleep again?" Aeria asked with one her eyes slightly opened "It's alright, I'm looking after you just to be sure." Hela answered "That's bad for your health, come here." Aeria opened her arms.

Hela laughed before resting her head on top of the girl's chest, Aeria let out a soft moan and wrapped her arms around the goddess. She reached for Hela's back and gently rubbed her back.

"Hela? I love you so much." Aeria pressed a kiss on Hela's temple, embracing her tightly "So much."

"I love you too, my darling" Hela kissed one of Aeria's hands then she felt her eyes getting heavy and her breathing is more light "Stop using your powers to make me sleep, darling." the goddess grabbed Aeria's hand that was near her head.

"But you need to sleep." Aeria said.

Hela said "I don't need sleep, I just need you."

"Then we can stay up together." Aeria smiled "It's better than leaving you up alone, watching over me like a monster is coming to get me any time."

The goddess rolled her eyes "Whatever."

Aeria giggled, wrapping her arms around Hela tightly. She had always loved embracing the goddess and Hela can't do anything about it, not that she wants to because she likes it.

Natasha placed her feet on top of the table before crossing them, she couldn't sleep. She couldn't sleep ever since the day she met Aeria, everything was going smoothly, she was giving hints about how she feels but then Hela comes in and all is ruined.

Everything is ruined because of the goddess.

The agent took a bite of her peanut butter jelly sandwich with a disappointed sigh.

"Oh, bad timing?" Tony stood beside the door of the office while holding a basket of laundry.

"Pepper ordered me to clean our laundry, don't judge. What's the problem, Romanoff?" the man let go of the basket before sitting on the table "That criminal in Aeria's room, shouldn't we stop her?" the agent asked "No can do, you saw what she can do. If we make one wrong move, we're all dead." Tony shrugged his shoulders "She needs to be stopped." Natasha sighed "Stopping her means stopping the kid too, you are aware?" Tony asked.

Natasha rolled her eyes "I'm aware."

"You can't do anything, Romanoff."

The redhead groaned "I know, asshole."

Tony opened his mouth but was immediately cut off by Natasha "If you dare to say that everything is going to be alright–" the agent raised the sandwich up high "–I'm going to smash a peanut butter jelly sandwich in your head, Tony."

"It's going to be fi–" within a second, a peanut butter jelly sandwich was smashed in his head.

The next morning, the first people to wake up were Aeria and Hela. The brunette made breakfast while the goddess watched her. Hela watched Aeria cook, she loved how Aeria's brown hair fell on her back, the way the color green fitted her so much.

"Darling, do teach me how." Hela stared angrily at the coffee maker, Aeria walked to her and chuckled "You press this, honey." she pressed the black circle button on the top and the coffee started brewing.

"Oh. That makes more sense." Hela shrugged.

"What do you want, bacons or pancakes?" Aeria asked "Bacon is meat and pancake..." she trailed off "I'm not very sure, My Queen but it is delicious."

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