Chapter 13

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Aeria stared at the books in front of her, she could remember everything Hela had said to her about her powers. That she can have visions of the future, that she can make her own weapons out of her energy, and that she could control everything through it.

Dark magic was the darkest of all magical arts. A forbidden power no being should be able to wield without knowledge about it. She knew dark magic was powerful, it can corrupt its user and destroy everything. But she never knew it could be this... dangerous and terrifying.

She read every word. Every sentence. Every paragraph. Every book. Her powers had history from a book called the darkhold, the book of sins, of spells and the damned that corrupts everything and everyone it touches.

She never really heard of the book. Frigga told her it was a book made by a demon that had once built a temple with its dark magic engraved within the walls. It would explain where the dark magic came from but she didn't understand one thing.

"My powers came from a demon?" Aeria asked.

Frigga shook her head, uncertain "Dark magic could have originated from different histories and beings. But it is possible that yours came from the book of the damned." she gently took Aeria's hands "You are a witch, Aeria. I am a witch. We both came from a line of witches with different covens, I had saints and yours had demons. It would explain everything."

Aeria slowly nodded, although she found the idea of saints and demons completely ridiculous "Do you know anything about my coven? My..." she swallowed the lump in her throat "Family?"

Her eyes reflected sadness and no matter how much she tried to mask it, Frigga can see through her. The fair woman smiled "I knew your mother. I met her and your father once." she said "But I never really knew your mother since we came from different line of witches. She came from a dark coven who entirely used dark magic from their ancestors and now, you." she tapped Aeria's nose with a finger, the brunette scrunched her nose after, Frigga chuckled at that "I can tell you things about your family." she offered.

Aeria thought about it. She never knew her family, she could barely remember them. She could barely remember how her own mother and father looks like but she will always remember how they died. She shook her head eventually "I wish to learn about my powers, not my family." she stated "Tell me more about witches and what you know about my power."

They spent an entire day in her chambers, learning more about her powers and witches. Eventually their history. Aeria still found it hard to believe that she's a witch that hardly knows any spell or how to cast them. Frigga admitted she wasn't very good at casting spells either but she knows them.

"Hela once mentioned I was as powerful as the infinity stones, possibly even more." Aeria said as she stared at the ceiling while laying on her bed, grown tired of reading "Is that true?" she asked.

Frigga sat by the table, closing the books "You have the potential to be as powerful and more." she stacked them back "Odin sees you as a threat to his power, just like how he sees Hela. Our daughter outgrew his ambition so he locked her away, he feared her and what she could do." she sighed "The same goes for you, my sweet."

"You couldn't do anything about it?"

"I do not have a choice. I cannot go against him."

"You can." Aeria said "You are the queen."

Frigga shook her head "I am only queen because of him. If I didn't marry into this family, I would have never ascended to the throne. Not even to my mother's." she sighed "The people will never accept a woman as their ruler alone. They will find a way to come after you and hang your head just so they could see a man replace you and sit on the throne."

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