Chapter 7

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In the end, it never worked out.

They can sit in one table, have a meal and pretend that everything is fine and normal but they can never cover the wounds that's in their hearts.

"It is good to have you back, Hela." Frigga said to her daughter with a soft smile, deciding to break the awful silence of the dining hall.

"It has been a while since I've sat in this table." the princess politely replied, elegantly eating her meal.

The queen nodded, aware of the reason why. After she became pregnant with Thor, Hela was against the idea that's why Odin forbid her from going anywhere near to the queen or to the palace.

"How come you never told us about our sister, Mother? You hid her a thousand years." Loki said.

Frigga gulped "Your father forbid me to."

"But Aeria." Thor turned to the brunette who sat silent on her seat beside Hela "You met sister when we were children, yes? You never told us of her."

"Hela and I wanted our relationship to ourselves. We didn't want anyone getting in the way." Aeria replied "What would you think if you saw the heir to the throne, the Goddess of Death, and the royal princess sitting on a tree with an orphan bastard?"

"She didn't tell you because I didn't want to expose my identity either." Hela drank her wine from the golden cup in her hand, she sighed.

The queen cleared her throat.

"Well, we should take about what happened."

"You said you will try to fix it." Aeria said "How exactly, Your Grace?" she asked "You must be tired of fixing everything in the family, trying to keep peace, being the only one who wants this family together." she uttered, eyes on her plate.

"I can persuade the king."

"He wants Hela and I dead. He's wanted Hela dead for years, what's stopping him from doing it now?"

"We can talk about our differences. We have to prove that you and Hela mean no harm to us, that you will not rebel against him like he wishes."

Aeria blinked "That's a lot to ask, Your Grace."

"But it would be all worth it in the end, Aeria."

"For you." Aeria said "I am not a child anymore, Your Grace. I have things that I want for myself, for Hela and I. I am very grateful for your help and all the kind things you've taught me when I was young and I do not wish to throw those away..." she gulped, looking up from her plate "I am very thankful for you, Mother but I do not need you now."

She got up from her chair "Please, excuse me."

As she walked away from the table, the queen speaks again "You will always need me, Aeria."

The brunette could only blink as she heard the doors shut behind her. Her head felt extremely light and she felt cold. On her walk back to her chambers, she passed through servants and warriors, not bothering to greet any one of them.

She never felt the same again after what happened with Odin. She's never suffered such an injury before. It made her feel numb and light headed.

As she walked, a hand gently grabbed her hand, their fingers sliding through each other then intertwined. The Goddess of Death walked by her side, holding Aeria's warm hand in her cold one.

"We shall take a stroll outside the palace." Hela said.

Aeria blinked "Where?"

"We shall ride Fenris and climb the mountains." the goddess squeezed her hand "I know a place." she said before pulling Aeria towards the dungeons, the brunette following her silently.

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