Chapter 24

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The day had barely began but she was already nowhere to be seen from her chambers, nor her wife, nor their daughter -from another universe.

Passing through the tall forest trees with the sun peaking through the thick leaves, Aeria held the reins of her horse tightly as they ran. She looked down, meeting a pair of bright emerald eyes.

Aurora giggled and squealed, looking up to her mother to grin widely at her "Faster!" she beamed, pointing a finger ahead and Aeria couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her mouth, briefly shaking her head before gently prompting their horse to run faster, as it did, heavy and loud footsteps followed behind them.

The whole ground beneath them shook with every step, behind them, now catching up to their speed was Hela who rode her giant wolf, Fenris. The goddess sat determined on top of her loyal wolf.

Aurora peeked over Aeria's arms "Mama!" she waved a hand towards the goddess, grinning.

Hela glanced at them from the corner of her eyes, a small smirk forming across her lips. Having the little girl around was a huge adjustment, she was still learning how to be around Aurora, because knowing the goddess, she was terrible with children. Not to mention, she still couldn't fully wrap her head around the thought of the little girl being their daughter from another universe.

From a whole another timeline.

Another reality.

Not theirs.

It was still all a mystery to her, to all of them.

Nevertheless, she could see it very well with her own eyes, she could feel it in her soul that the little girl in her wife's arms is really her own blood.

"Fenris!" Aurora waved at the giant wolf.

Fenris barely glanced at her with his sharp, green eyes before he looked away and huffed with high pride, returning his attention to the race.

"Shall we race back to the palace?" Aeria asked, loud enough for her wife to hear through the wolf's heavy and loud footsteps.

Hela hummed, thinking about it with a tilt of her head. She pursed her lips "What do I get in return of my victory?" she asked, glancing at her wife.

Aeria rolled her eyes, Hela's confidence could go over the limit but she loved that about her wife.

"Whatever you want, I suppose."

"Whatever I want?" Hela's voice was low and the way she said it had an obvious hint that made Aeria's blood crawl up to her cheeks.

The witch shot her a stern look "Yes." she said then quickly added "But if Aurora and I win, you will sleep on the floor tonight." she innocently smiled.

Hela stared at her wife, blinking. Aeria tilted her head, arching an eyebrow. The goddess smirked "Well, alright." she placed a hand between Fenris' ears, a gesture for him to stop running "I will give you five minutes." was all the goddess said.

Aeria rolled her eyes, casting her wife one last glance along with her grumpy giant wolf. Hela always gives her a headstart whenever they would race when they were young since she always rides Fenris and refuses to ride any horse while Aeria excelled in equestrianism, meaning she only rides horses. The goddess would give her five minutes to start running in the beginning of their race and after the given time, she and Fenris follows.

"Fenris is so big." Aeria looked back at the little girl sitting in front of her, holding onto her hands. Aurora still looked back to the goddess and her wolf, Fenris was so huge she could still see him from even the farthest distance "I wanna have a big wolf just like mama." she glanced at Aeria.

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