Chapter 16

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The Goddess of Death was familiar with the darkness, very. All her life, she was exposed to the darkness. In trainings, in battles, in tortures.

She sat on her throne made from bones and skulls, it was only fitting for the Goddess of Death in her own realm to rule, Helheim. No matter how bad the place was, it was the closest thing she could call as home for now.

Her imprisonment wasn't lifted meaning Aeria probably didn't continue on her plan to kill Odin. She wondered then, what would have happened if she took Aeria's offer to escape with her that day when the valkyries arrived to execute her.

As much as she wanted to be with Aeria, she couldn't risk putting her in any more danger. She couldn't lose her darling fiancée. If she loses Aeria, she knew she would lose herself too.

A sigh escapes her lips as she threw her head back, she snapped her fingers, an emerald appearing in her hand. She raised it to her face, watching it glimmer before speaking "I miss you, darling."

Aeria aimed another arrow towards the tree, closing her right eye. Her gaze remained on the poorly drawn red mark on the wood, she pulled the bow with dark fingers and inhaled sharply. With a snap of a twig, she released the string along with the arrow, hitting the red mark.

She huffed, putting her bow made out of her magic threads down before looking over her shoulder, surprised and not surprised to see the God of Mischief leaning against one of the trees with an evil grin on his face. What surprised her was the God of Thunder that followed not far from his brother, his eyes wandering around the woods.

Loki raised his hands and clapped "Nice shot."

"What do you want?" Aeria asked, her bow disintegrating in her hand "And how did you find me?" she walked towards them but left a distance.

It's been a week since she left Asgard and never came back. A week since she finally managed to come back to the ruins of her realm and live a life there in the span of seven days. No one ever heard from her again, not even their friends on Earth.

"I have my tricks." said Loki.

"We asked Heimdall." argued Thor.

Aeria frowned "Of course." she muttered under her breath, she turned her back on them and started walking out of the woods "Well then, what brings you two here? Unless your father or your mother sent you to come after me." she said.

"We simply wanted to see you." Loki said after her as they followed "And apologize." he emphasized, his eyes on his older brother Thor who looked away and refused to meet his gaze.

"I think we're past apologies now." Aeria answered once they finally left the woods, she breathed the fresh air and walked towards the field "Whatever happened that day is gone." she stopped then looked over her shoulder to glance at Thor "For the record, I'm not sorry I tried to kill your father. He killed my family and people. I would have done so much worse if your mother didn't stop me."

"You don't have to apologize for what you did." instead of the usual harsh comment she expected, Thor calmly talked to her now "I understand. I didn't understand before but I understand now."

"Oh." she breathes "Good, then."

"Let me apologize for everything I've done to you these past few days. I'm sorry for picking his side instead of yours when I already knew who was in the wrong." Thor sighed "Forgive me, sister."

Aeria blinked, she wasn't expecting that. She looked away from him and continued walking "I will accept your apology if you help me in the castle." she said that made the men confused.

"Are you doing a renovation?" Loki asked.

She shook her head "No, just cleaning up."

When she heard no further comments, she once again looked over her shoulder to find them standing on the hill, staring at the ruined kingdom ahead. She chuckled "Beautiful, isn't it? Minus the ice and ruins, of course." she smiled "It's home."

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