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Selene ran a hand over her shortly cropped purple hair, wondering whether she should get involved or not. Even beside her, Erik stood with his arms crossed over the dark long sleeved top he wore. Being confused to why they were just standing there, Graham came over too and narrowly managed to dodge out of the way of something which got thrown out the window. Ariki was perhaps the only one present who didn't look confused, it was like he knew what was currently happening.

Unfortunately something was apparently not to Liesel's liking within the small building she called home. Poor Erik had been utterly miffed when she had hurriedly ushered him out the building. He had offered helping her, worried actually that she would end up doing herself a damage. Liesel had frowned and shook her head, she had actually said this was something she needed to do, alone.

"Are you renovating?" Graham piped up, Selene leaned past Erik to shoot him a look. He had to come out with something stupid, didn't he? He shrugged and looked confused, "What? I'm only asking-"

"She's nesting." Ariki, the mostly silent man spoke up earning all glances to settle on him.

"She isn't a bird."

Erik shot Graham a look, he sheepishly smiled and looked away. Erik rolled his eyes and sighed, though there was some truth to what Ariki said. Liesel was close to giving birth, and it seemed like a natural thing to fuss and move things around to her liking. Really, Erik was uncertain whether she really knew what she was doing. He thought she'd just move things from one spot to another. He didn't think for one moment things would get thrown out the open windows.

"I'm going in." Selene couldn't take this anymore, the men beside her looked between worried, fearful and just awkward. It seemed all of them, even Erik was wary about walking in there. He knew when he wasn't wanted around, and perish the thought of him ignoring a pregnant Liesel.

"You're brave."

"Shut it, Gray." Selene snapped and stalked forwards. Her black boots scuffed against the ground as she walked up the small stairs and to the small porch like area. Placing a hand to the door, she pushed it open and stuck her head in. Liesel was sitting on the bed folding little clothes, she looked up at Selene suddenly though. Admittedly, this wasn't what she was expecting to see.

"I can hear them out there." Liesel said with a smile, she could still hear the confused men chatting amongst themselves. "Tell Gray I'm not losing my marbles." She could hear him musing quite loudly how he thought the sudden heat which was hitting the island had gone to her head. She had no madness bought on by heat, that was for sure.

Selene trekked in and ended up looking around the small space. She didn't frequent the small house often, but she couldn't actually see any difference. What Liesel had moved around, she had no clue. As for things she threw out, Selene was rather sure the battery powered lantern was going to get bought back in. She wasn't sure why Liesel threw it out, maybe it was just annoying her and out the window it went? Sitting next to her on the bed, Selene nodded at the amount of clothes which had been stored up over the last few months of her pregnancy. How some of these came to be owned was less than legal, Graham and his abilities to just basically zap anything through a portal and make it appear elsewhere was handy to say the least.

Liesel stopped folding things up and looked at Selene curiously. "Did they send you in here to check on me?"

"No." Selene answered honestly, Liesel tucked some of the folded items of clothing up in a small duffle bag and sidelong glanced at her. She couldn't help but smile, Selene wasn't typically the type to just do things on a whim. She was a hard woman to get to know, more opting to be silent and talk if she had something to say. But Liesel actually found her calm, whether Selene registered this or not, she didn't know.

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