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Looking to the small bundle of clothes on the bed, Liesel managed to pull herself up and onto it from the wheelchair. After seeing Charles, she returned back here. They had spoken for a small length of time before she decided to leave him to sleep. He above all others had had a rough time of it. Though, considering everyone was as okay as they were ever going to be, there was mentions of returning back to the manor.

Liesel found she was more than fine with this. Just get her out of this base and clinical space. She wanted out. Picking up the first item, she raised an eyebrow at the burnt orange, long sleeved roll neck top. Underneath sat a dark pinafore, her boots were on the floor, thankfully, in all their scuffed glory. Clean and new underwear was on the very bottom of the pile. With a sigh, Liesel didn't need to wait around, she commenced wriggling and changing while remaining sitting on the bed.

Managing to stand and straighten the dress out, she glared at the cast on her leg and looked over her shoulder when there was a knock on her door. "Ja?" She asked while sorting the cover out, sure, it would all be changed anyway once she left. But she made the bed and then jumped back on. Reaching up, she gathered her hair up, and commenced tying it up. Someone had been nice enough to leave something for her to do this. Tightening the ponytail, she watched the door open and Erik walk in. She smiled, she was surprised it had taken him this long really. Surely he would have caught wind of her being awake a while ago?

He walked slowly over while controlling the door to shut behind himself. He sat in the chair in front of her and leaned his forearms against his knees. "You're looking better."

"Nothing like inadvertently saying I looked like crap, Erik. Thanks." Liesel laughed, Erik just rolled his eyes and sat up straight. She swung her legs slightly before he scooted the chair closer, the feet of it scraping against the tiled floor making her wince. That was a horrible sound.

He placed his hands against her knees, and kept them both still while they remained between his own. "You know I didn't mean it like that."

"I know." Liesel placed her hands on the ones over her knees and tilted her head. "I'm surprised you've only just come visiting. Thought you'd be here when I woke, to be honest. I didn't think they'd be able to deter you for long."

Erik nodded, "Briefing. The least they told me was when you went into surgery, and when you came out. I wasn't allowed to come see you, until you were back in your room. I did come around earlier, but you weren't here."

"I was visiting Charles." Liesel smiled, "Peter and Kurt broke me out, and helped me to see him." She explained, just to let him know she wasn't alone. Erik looked up curiously at the mention of the two teenage boys. Liesel just smiled and nodded, she didn't know what they were up to now, mind.

Erik wasn't surprised she seemed to easily make friends, she had got better at this with time. He had seen how the teleporter had worried and helped her back in Cairo. As for Peter, that was something Erik really found himself slightly lost over. But regardless, the two got along. No animosity. "Should've thought to check in there too." He said at last when Liesel was just looking at him oddly, he was just staring up at her in silence.

Liesel laughed quietly and looked down at her lap. "Yeah, maybe. Not sure he's up for too many visitors yet. He still looked...well, you could imagine." Liesel rolled a hand in the air, Erik looked guiltily away yet nodded. "So, you've been let off?" Liesel commented, the atmosphere in the room was awkward. They hadn't been apart for long, but so much had happened in that time. So much bad had happened in that time too. And most of that bad was on Erik's behalf. Liesel couldn't help but be reminded of when Erik reappeared in her life, when he was off trying to find a lead on Shaw. They'd been apart for a year, years even. It was like two strangers meeting, neither wholly knew what to say to the other. It was almost the same, almost.

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