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The starstruck, awe like, dazed and dreamy expression on Liesel's face was one which Erik didn't quite know if he wanted to know the cause. Instead he placed a hand on her shoulder, crouching slowly beside her as she sat on their small porch. They hadn't been back long, the luggage being dragged angrily by Edie was the first thing which Erik had seen when rounding the house, followed by Yuliya easily carrying another bag while flying. Liesel was walking along behind them apologising that she may have gone a little overboard with packing. The scathing look from Edie had Liesel laughing sheepishly. In all fairness, she didn't know how long they would've been at the school if things truly went bad, so she packed for all eventualities clearly.

However, once the luggage was dumped back in the house, the girls wanted to go off and play, or explore parts of the island they thought no one else knew existed. Most of the island had been scoured, any resources logged and tapped into. Yet no one wanted to ruin the fun for them, they thought they were exploring a new frontier, and it was nicer to leave them to think they were discovering a great mystery. Even Edie had exclaimed once that they may find buried treasure, and being the magpie she was, Yuliya seemed more than up for finding treasure.

Liesel, while the girls scampered off, just sat on the porch clearly musing. Erik was concerned, until he saw her expression, and now he was just utterly miffed. Liesel slowly turned her face and smiled at him, "Ever been to a wedding?" Liesel just came out with it, Erik's expression went utterly blank then. Liesel rolled her eyes, "Well, best find a suit, Erik."

"Am I missing something?" He eventually managed to get out while sitting on the stair fully, his longer legs stretched out beside hers. He watched her trainer kick at the stair before her legs moved completely, she tucked them to the side and turned to look at him fully. Erik leaned back against his hands and just waited for her to explain just about everything.

"Gretchen, her and Dallas are getting married."

"And they want me there?" Erik frowned and couldn't help but scoff. Somehow he didn't believe that. "What about her guests? How is she going to break it them that I'm going to be there? I imagine some may not be so happy about that."

"It's her wedding, their wedding, Erik. It isn't about you. It's all about them." Liesel rolled her eyes, "Although I get what you mean." She continued on when Erik just gave her a hard stare. She wasn't silly, she did understand what he meant. People liked to hold grudges, and Liesel was sure there were some people out there that still wanted him back in a cell.

"And they're both okay with that? With me being there? Your sister...she isn't exactly my biggest fan. I'm not even sure we can say we're friends." Erik hummed quietly in thought. Acquaintances, it was about the one term both would agree on.

Liesel slapped him on the arm, "It isn't about you! Yes, you're going, Erik. We're going. We're all invited, so we're all going. The girls are going to be bridesmaids and I'm a maid of honour, so yes, we're going." Liesel's tone was blunt and sarcastic as she pointed a finger at him before huffing and turning away with her arms crossed.

Moving to lean his forearms against his knees, he looked about the greenery before them. Some were in the garden, and others just seemed to be milling about minding their own business. Somehow he didn't believe they were all invited. Gretchen didn't know everyone here. How did he feel about going to a wedding? The thought was...well, it was a thought, the feelings attached to that thought was something Erik was ignoring. Uncomforted by it somehow was one thing which was most prominent to him.

Liesel slowly turned back to him, Erik didn't appreciate how she was eyeing him and sent her a questionable look in return. "The girls are going to school next term."

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