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It seemed trading one evil for another was something which Liesel dearly hoped wouldn't happen. She looked at the brace on her leg. It looked like some sort of medieval torture device, that and it didn't fit properly. But that didn't seem to matter to the medical personnel who strapped her into the annoying thing. With two leather like holdings, one at the thigh, and the other across the shin, the thing was already uncomfortable, that wasn't even taking into consideration the two metal rods and the one that slipped under her boot. Once the thing was actually tied onto her, Liesel winced, did she really need this? Really?

It was hard to walk in the flaming thing. She sent it a glare as she walked down the brightly lit corridors of the hospital. She was half tempted to take it off and throw it into a random room she passed. Be fair, considering it didn't take much to actually attach it to herself, she could easily just not wear it at home. She wasn't usually one for ignoring doctors when they were actually trying to help. But this brace was making walking hard. Harder than a cast ever did.
Things had to get worse before they got better, she guessed. Though she was trying not to dwell on it much. She had other things to do, like maybe hang around the town?

She had promised really that as soon as she was finished at the hospital she'd go home. But being there day in and day out, they'd only been here about a week and a half, was driving her steadily mad. She couldn't sit on the porch and admire the scenery for much longer. She could. But she was really struggling to find peace in her surroundings. She was becoming more and more discontent. And if anything these feelings bounced rather negatively off of Erik. Of course they would. He didn't seem to quite understand her current annoyed mood. He was free to drive to town, go to work and come back. Liesel was restricted by everything. Well, her cast was quite restrictive for sure and Erik had used that as an excuse for a while. Without it there honestly wasn't much else he could use to keep her at home.

She did get it. He was still slightly paranoid that something was going to happen; why else would he have asked and pushed her to see if she could still use her powers? She wasn't foolish enough to wholly believe that he did it just to make her feel better, though that was included too, he did it to see if she could defend herself if needed. She could. Liesel could definitely defend herself. Powers or not. He didn't have to worry. Worry and him was really weird. Rolling her eyes Liesel walked into a small shop and smiled at the person behind the counter. 

Grabbing a newspaper she made her way awkwardly over. She sort of limped and dragged her leg when she walked. It wasn't a good look. Suddenly her cast didn't seem so bad in comparison to this thing. The good thing about Erik's new current status of employment meant he'd get cash in hand, some of which he did loan to her, if only to use to get a taxi to the hospital and back again and for anything else. Paying and leaving the shop she walked over to the small taxi station. Managing to get a taxi she sat back in silence enjoying the ride home. Once home she was greeted with birdsong and silence. It was actually quite eerie in the house on her own. It was so quiet. 

Deciding not to hang around in the horrible silence she walked back outside and sat down on the porch. Opening the paper she flicked straight to the job listings. No time like the present, right? She even had a pen with her to circle possible successes. She read over the small print and raised an eyebrow, most of the jobs seemed quite similar to the other. She wasn't looking for something challenging, but she'd want something to keep her entertained. That's why she loved her old job. Working for a paper was fun. Even when there were slow days. Nothing like that seemed to be on offer here, annoyingly enough. 

She had to laugh quietly to herself, she must look slightly funny, sitting in the shade of the trees bent over the paper scrutinising every listing she came across with a glare. If Gretchen was present she'd laugh at her. She had done the first time Liesel job hunted. She sat much the same, just minus the porch and trees, sitting in front of the coffee table hunched over and despairing by the lack of options for her. It wasn't quite the same here. The skills Liesel acquired in her last job couldn't exactly be used for something like that teacher's assistant job, which was surprisingly still advertised. How bad was the school here for it to keep a position seemingly permanently advertised? How often did the school lose staff?

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