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"Perhaps this is a question which could be answered elsewhere, yes?" Liesel chanced, taking a step forward and looking between the redhead and Erik, her words didn't lessen the hard look which was on his face, nor did it aid in easing Jean. Liesel felt bad, maternal instincts kicking in to help put this girl at ease, she was welcome here, most seemed welcome. It wasn't like there weren't people here who had done great wrongs, though Liesel would argue Erik would still win hands down on that...

There was the slightest of nods from Erik, at least someone was conceding here, she really didn't want to push him towards their home. Nor did she want to drag Jean with her, the girl was keeping her eyes glued on the surroundings around them. She was on edge, still. Yes, Liesel would like to know the reason why too, but somehow she got the feeling that she could answer in private. Jean didn't need a load of strangers to hear her words. It wasn't like the three of them were friends, but at the same time, they had encountered each other before to have some form of relationship, whatever it was.

"Girls, why don't you go play? Maybe find Selene?" Liesel turned to the twins, they were clearly wanting to come with. Liesel wasn't surprised, Jean was the nearest person to them in age, although still being a lot older, Jean was still a lot younger than some present. There was a frown from Edie, yet Yuliya grasped onto her arm and pulled her away. Liesel smiled, at least one of them were listening to her.

Erik nodded his head to the side and started to lead the way back to the house. Liesel followed suit with a smile, she was going to reach out and place an arm around Jean's shoulders, or at least give her a reassuring pat on the arm. But something about her tense face told Liesel not to. Jean still looked ready to bolt, Liesel couldn't deny that. But being lead away from everyone else's viewing eyes seemed to calm her down somewhat. Liesel didn't blame her, not that anyone was judging her, or why she was here, but visitors were not usually a commonplace thing.

"Do you want something to eat, or drink?" Liesel gestured a hand to their humble home, if anything encouraging her to sit, to get comfortable. Neither herself or Erik were going to jump down her throat and interrogate her, or whatever. All they were doing, was having a conversation. Even if Erik may be more questioning than her. As long as Jean wasn't in danger, Liesel didn't much mind how she got here. But if she was bringing trouble with her, if it was following her, then that was something else.

"A drink, please." Jean answered while looking around, it was like she was expecting something else. Noticing the windows though, she made a beeline to it and stood fidgeting with her hands.

Liesel put her hands on Erik's arm and pushed him gently towards the small kitchen. He was frowning her way, whereas Liesel was looking at him blatantly. This whole situation was strange, confusing, but staring at the girl wasn't going to ease her to speak easily. Liesel loved Erik to bits, but he could be intense. Not that it took two of them to boil a kettle, sort out a drink or anything like that, but they did so anyway. It wasn't like Jean was going to question them, she seemed too interested in looking outside. Liesel sent Erik a look, and he just returned it. The pair of them had seen that expression on both of their faces at some point or another in their lives; it was simply the look of watching. Jean was watching and waiting, for what neither of them knew.

"Are you hurt?" Erik asked, not that Liesel was shocked to hear that genuine question come from him, but she smiled Jean's way, hoping the sign of actually caring for her answer would help any nerves she had.

"No," Jean's reply was curt at best, but short nonetheless. She side eyed Erik as he ventured near with the cup in his hand to give to her. Jean's attention didn't divert too much from the outside world at all.

With a gentle sigh, Erik looked briefly to the window too. He could still see people milling about out in the sun, regardless of the simple curtains that were hung up. He couldn't help but frown noticing how the girls were deciding to help with the gardening. By that it mainly meant Edie in the dirt pulling carrots, and Yuliya flying out of reach with the basket in hand to put aforementioned carrots in. Erik would say they seemed amused, only Edie was glaring up at her sister, and her sister was just cheekily in the air, just out of reach.

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