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When it came to Washington, it seemed to be that not much had changed, yet also so much had. It was a contradiction which was niggling away at Erik as he walked beside Liesel, hands in his jacket pockets and vaguely listening to her rambling away. It was very strange, walking along the city street completely casual. It wasn't that he expected people to flock, or apprehend him; but to be left alone to just walk around like everyone else, it was strange.

To be honest, Erik wasn't the only mutant walking the streets. Thanks to acceptance and legislations, mutants were free to walk around without judgement; or rather, such obvious judgement, people still didn't look wholly comfortable, but nothing was said. Of course, he was recognised by a few, asking too much for this not to happen, but as suspected, no one drew near.

Being pardoned gave him a clean slate, a fresh start, a new start. Did he think he would have it here in the capitol? No. Erik didn't want to stay in Washington. He only agreed with Liesel because, well, she hadn't seen her sister for ten years. She'd up and left with him, and that was that. Erik wasn't so selfish as to think that Liesel wouldn't want to do this, seems they were in the country, and that she would solely wish to spend time with him, and him alone.

They still needed to have a proper discussion about the oncoming new lives which would soon greet them. Erik mused that could wait, a time would come where they'd have an actual talk about this, them. Not here on a street, and definitely not in Gretchen's home. No offence to the twin, but somehow Erik foresaw Gretchen having some rather interesting views.

She didn't like him. She had never liked him. And though this was always a blasé reaction, on Erik's side, it didn't settle with him. It just didn't. He frowned and looked to Liesel as she continued to ramble about something, Erik frowned, something about how much she'd miss the city, and if Newt was still hiding away; oh yes, how could Erik forget the ragtag lot she had rescued, which hid in the shadows of a warehouse? Shaking his head, he sighed heavily. He was going to need to talk to both sisters, separately, about different topics which had similar things in common.

He wasn't looking forward to that. Erik couldn't even say otherwise. Yes, he may be good at talking, he knew that for a fact. But Gretchen had a lot of anger and dislike towards him. And Liesel, well, if there was something she didn't want to talk about, she'd be casual, flippant and just try sweeping it under the metaphorical rug. Running a hand through his hair, Erik just let Liesel run her course. She seemed to have a lot to say, more so than usual, which signalled to him that she was nervous.

Of course she would be. They were turning up on her sister's doorstep after years of being apart, how Gretchen would react, neither of them knew. For all Erik knew, she would slam the door in their faces. He wouldn't be surprised by that once her eyes clocked sight of him. She really, really didn't like him...

"Taxi?" Erik blinked, hearing Liesel's musing tone. She had stopped to one side and looked at him with curious green eyes. Erik just looked around, the heavy, busy throng of people continued on, completely unawares to them standing stationary. The city and the life within, just carried on. Never stopping, it seemed. People always busying to somewhere.

"Are your hands starting to hurt?" Erik asked, not answering her one word. He just looked back at her, she shifted her weight and let one crutch go. Lifting up her hand she opened it up. Even Erik winced a little at the red, sore looking skin which was looking up at him. He could see the beginnings of blisters appearing. She didn't even need to answer. Erik nodded and turned back to the road, to be honest, he had been so lost in his thoughts he hadn't realised that her pace was slowing. Her enthusiasm to get to their destination was ebbing. It seemed she was struggling to continue hopping and using the crutches. Liesel looked exhausted.

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