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Sitting in a rather bland coloured office, Liesel looked about herself; the usual was in here, a bed, some cabinets, a desk, the doctor himself, and a large window which looked over the street and road beyond the pane of glass. The window itself had a blind half shut, so no one walking past could actually see into the room. It didn't stop Liesel from trying to look out. She tilted her head to the side and even leaned down in an effort to look out of the window.

The doctor stopped writing down her list of injuries and watched her. Noticing that she had been caught out she sat back up with a smile. She was bored. Very, extremely, undeniably bored. She'd been in this office for about five minutes. She had explained what was wrong with her, she'd made up some lie about being in a car accident. It wasn't like she could say she was near the White House and involved in the incident there in any which way. That'd surely instantly cause red flags to be raised.

The doctor had bought her lie with a sceptical eye. Liesel was pretty good at reading people, and she could tell when someone evidently thought she was lying. Even more so when he asked about her home life. This had offended her hugely. And after some rather heated words, made it quite clear that if a man tried even remotely laying a hand on her, they would surely regret it. She came here to get possibly referred to the hospital for check ups, not being asked about any domestic violence. Okay, Liesel would admit to herself that things could get a little out of hand, but Erik wouldn't hurt her. Any time he did in the past she could tell he felt bad for it. She could see it. Whenever she bought it up in an off handed way, he looked distantly at her. Distant and Erik usually meant guilt, or thinking, distant usually resulted in battling with himself. 

Liesel smiled and took the slip of paper from the doctor when he held it out to her. Popping the corner in her mouth she picked up her crutches and jumped away quickly. He held the door open for her and she jumped and hopped as quickly as she could down the corridor. She scoffed out a laugh, laughing with a piece of paper in between her lips was hard. Erik looked at her confused, reaching up he plucked the paper from her. "What's so funny?"

"Enjoying that magazine?" Liesel asked curiously while they both walked through the foyer of the surgery towards the door. 

Erik put her apparent prescription in his pocket. "Not particularly."

"From where I stood you looked quite invested. I didn't know you were into gossip magazines." Liesel said in an attempt to be serious, which was hard considering the hard look which was suddenly sent her way. "Oh dear...does sudden civilian living mean you're going to become a gossip?"

"Isn't that usually women who have nothing else better to do?"

"Sexism much?!" Liesel shouted and frowned down at the steps she had to get down. "What happened to equal rights, eh? What are you, back in the 1950s or something?" 

"Do you need help?" Erik was already at the bottom of the stairs, there were only three but they seemed to be causing Liesel a fair bit of trouble as she tried to figure out how to traverse them with crutches. He decided to just change the topic, even more so if it got them away from this place quicker.

"I've got this, you sexist-"

"Don't finish that sentence." 

Pouting she stumbled ungracefully down, she managed to right herself before she fell though. "You know I don't mean it though, right?" Liesel asked, looking up at him honestly as she got her unsteady balance back.

"I should hope not." Erik looked firmly down at her before turning and looking about themselves. The doctor's surgery wasn't necessarily central to the town, it was about a minute walk back to where the small shops were situated. Nodding to the side he started to walk with her trailing beside him. They had come here for a reason, and now that reason was over with, why bother hanging around? They had a town to explore, although Erik had already spied some of it when he got supplies, this was all new to Liesel, parts were even new to him. He hadn't properly explored the previous evening, after all. 

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