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"The truth of the matter is this: we feel as though it is within everyone's best interest if you were not present. Yes, we are well aware of your rights now, your freedom. But as such, some citizens would perhaps be more at ease without you as a neighbour. I do hate to be blunt, but I do not see how there is any tactful way of coming out with this all."

Erik kept his hands intwined in his lap as his long legs stretched out in front of him, one ankle over the other as his eyes just stared at the agent in front of him. He had been driven to this facility, escorted into this office, and the man, this agent had introduced himself before basically going off on some weird lecture. In truth, Erik only paid mind to half of what he said. Mainly because most of it was partially attacking his character, what he had done, what he could go on to do if he felt inclined. It was tedious, and boring. But Erik got it. People, humans, still felt hesitance, apprehension and fear towards, or around him and as such; didn't want him around. They couldn't imprison him, because he'd been given a clean slate. So what else were they to do?

"So, what are you proposing to do about it, Agent Williams?" Lance Williams apparently to the plaque sitting on the desk at the foremost and centre so it was clearly seen. He must have been someone quite high up, to get his own office and such. But really, after a while, all agents like the one here became one and the same to Erik.

Just having crystalline blue unblinking eyes basically staring right at him made Agent Williams shift uncomfortably. He coughed behind his hand, muttered quietly under his breath and looked at the desk before him. There was a manilla folder, Erik hadn't paid it mind, thinking it was something about this meeting. He could press for information, but really, he thought it best for once just to let the human get around to it in his own time. Actually, Erik was regretting this decision really, because all that was happening was dawdling.

After a few moments, the folder was picked up and handed out. Erik leaned forwards, he pulled his legs in and his feet tucked under the chair as he stretched an arm forward to retrieve the thin item. He frowned as he opened it, the paper within was all official, the photographs within were apparently classified for certain eyes only. All in all, Erik was curious.

"Unbeknownst to anyone, the UN met in secret." Erik looked up from the papers, he fully opened the folder in his lap and was flicking each piece of paper over, scanning it and taking onboard what was there before looking to the next sheet. "It's hard to keep this sort of thing out of the media, but it is possible."

Erik frowned slowly, keeping his hands on the folder, he tilted his head slightly. "And what is so important to have the United Nations meet in secret?"

Agent Williams sighed, he shifted, and he looked strained. Like he didn't really want to answer the question. Yet by the raised eyebrow Erik sent his way, and the knowing look on his face, the agent could guess Erik had figured it out. "You. Or rather, mutants in general."

Tapping a finger to the paper, Erik sat in silence for a few moments. Processing that really, more than anything. "Everyone has their peace. What is the problem?" Everyone, from where Erik sat, got what they wanted. No more fighting. Civil ground and peace.

The dry look which got sent his way had Erik merely frowning. "Even you, of all people know, that not everyone is content with that."

Erik gestured a hand lazily in the air. "I don't mind peace. I had it for years before one accident ruined it all. I'm not causing any problems, for anyone. In case you haven't noticed. Since being reprieved, all I've done is visit acquaintances." Which was true, only they weren't really his acquaintances. Minor issue that.

"Yes. We know." Erik's eyes narrowed, he wasn't stupid. Of course they were watching him somehow. And he didn't like it, because that meant that by extension Liesel, and her family, were being watched too. "We cannot imprison, or detain those which are unsettled. Goes against everything everyone has worked for. So, the next best thing was to allow you all your own place to reside."

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