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Like most times, on the day whatever injuries or strains happened, did not necessarily hurt at the time; however, the day after was a whole different story. Liesel's whole body just felt heavy, her leg felt stiff, she really couldn't find it within herself to move. She knew she needed to. For one, she needed to wash off all the grime from the night and day before. Secondly, change the bed because of them sleeping in it while still caked in dirt and blood. Even if most injuries and cuts had stopped bleeding, or were bandaged up, it still didn't meant they couldn't reopen in the night. Somewhere in between all the plans which were running through her head, she did note she needed to eat, pick up the things from the school, and even pay Gretchen a visit.

Even while laying in pain, Liesel knew that all that had happened would be reported on. No one was near, no human was around to record all that had happened, but the aftermath was there for the whole world to see. Something about that train of thought caused her to frown slowly, even a thoughtful hum coming from her. Things had changed for mutants, for the better, but now she wasn't too sure. Jean's antics would've somehow become known, the threat of dangerous mutants was clearly still an issue, why else would there be detention centres? Something in her stomach twisted at that, they weren't up to Trask-like business, were they? Liesel hated to admit it, but she needed to know. Was she perhaps thinking of prison breaking again? Maybe. It was fun. Though dangerous, yes, but the relief of freeing those which were stuck and in cells...

"Be warned, they're trying to make breakfast." Liesel's eyes slowly opened upon hearing the low, slightly hoarse voice. Erik and herself had somehow come to face each other, no doubt once the girls moved, they gravitated to each other either for comfort or warmth. Half his face was buried in the pillow, the other half was visible and what Liesel saw just made her wince. The cut and bruises she could see had darkened, and looked sore. Either way he still looked knackered, and she imagined she didn't look much different, he still sounded exhausted too, she could hear it in his voice.

She felt one of his arms shift under the pillow she was resting her head on and went to move, only to receive a soft frown and a shake of the head. Liesel laid back down, almost sinking into the comfort of the bedding around her, she didn't want to cause anymore aches to appear yet he didn't seem in a hurry to move. Fidgeting a hand out from under the covers still over her, she tentatively placed it against his cheek. His one visible eye slowly blinked before shutting and seemingly finding comfort in the contact. "I don't want to eat their food." Liesel whispered quietly with a worried look on her face.

Erik's eye slowly opened, he smirked slowly over her words. "Time to put your acting skills to the test." It wasn't that the girls were bad at cooking, just...they couldn't. Credit to them, they tried, and they were clearly trying here to help them out, but they couldn't cook. Liesel would be happy just with toast, or cereal, but even as she laid here she, along with Erik, could distinctly smell burnt eggs, and bacon. There was even quiet squabbling between the pair, and that just caused Liesel to sigh and turn her head into the pillow with her eyes tightly shut, she felt the arm around her waist tighten a little. Erik sympathised, he too didn't want to eat their attempts, but he would if it pleased the pair.

Liesel hesitantly lifted her head, she spied the girls pottering in the kitchen. She looked pained as she laid back down. "Yuliya almost dropped the kettle..."

"Please tell me it was at least cool?" Erik's eye shut again slowly with a quiet groan.

"Boiled." Liesel had spotted steam coming from the spout.

That seemed to be the final straw, Erik ran a hand down his face, careful to avoid the more tender parts as Liesel moved her hand out the way. Linking his fingers with hers, he propped himself slowly onto his elbow. Liesel seemed a little discouraged to lose the arm which was supporting her from under the pillow. Even with the shallow cuts and bruises on his face, Erik still managed to pull off a rather successful and convincing smug expression, which he sent down at her. Bringing their linked hands up, he placed a kiss to her fingers, lingering close and watching as she stiffly fidgeted. "Stay put," he watched as she looked like she was going to contradict before earning a hard stare, she went silent then. Erik didn't know how well her leg had healed in the night, probably not well and he would endeavour to persuade her again to let him check it was all good.

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