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When it came to finding the place in which the reptilian male inhabited took more time than what Erik believed it would. Gretchen gave the name of the shop, the street name and everything. Yet, as simple as that was, Liesel seemed to have a way of making an easy task, so not easy.

This was mainly due to the fact that they were surrounded by shops. Erik didn't actually take Liesel for being one that enjoys shopping. He didn't mean it in a rude way, she didn't stereotypically show girlish traits, he was generalising he knew that. But shopping, from memory recalls, was something she had always said was: "As big a waste of time like it is money." Although, in Erik's defence, he remembered her saying something like this when they were children and she was forced to try on school uniforms...

But even still, yes, sure, when in Poland she had pushed him to shop for new clothes. But that was him, and that was when they'd only just arrived. Not once did she ever show such a want to go shopping, not like she was now; face pressed against the glass of a window, her wide green eyes peering on in as her hands shielded against any glare of sunlight which could appear from behind her.

He stood to one side, hands in his pockets, just looking up at the sky patiently. He had tried to urge her away from another shop. Another shop which she was doing the exact same thing to. The poor worker inside had to double take at her, and Erik had mentioned about moving...only to get a stony glare sent his way, and some muttered words. Erik just frowned in return. She was being childish in her insulting. Being called a, what was it, 'silly idiot', was both ridiculous, a paradox, and pathetic. He eventually pushed her gently away and then along came this shop. Honestly, Erik could feel a headache coming on. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily, feeling a tug on his coat, he opened his eyes and looked downwards.

"I'm stalling." Liesel said, sounding almost innocent. Be fair, credit to her, although she clearly knew she was annoying him, she tried to look innocent too. Her green eyes looked rather solemnly up at him, her lips pouting slightly as she twiddled her fingers awkwardly over her stomach.

Erik rolled his eyes, "I couldn't have gathered that, could I?" Sarcasm got him nowhere, well, it got him having a frown sent his way. But verbally? Nothing. Liesel just turned away and commenced walking again. He sighed heavily, again, and walked after her. "I didn't know whether you were trying to find a present." Liesel looked up at him confusedly, Erik smiled and shrugged loosely. "Isn't that what friends do?"

She smirked, "I don't know, is it, Erik? I don't remember you turning up on my doorstep with a present. If I remember rightly, you appeared, shot a look to poor William, asked rudely who he was before asking him to leave, and that we had things to talk about." Liesel paused, "You didn't even let the man reply before you basically glared so much he got uncomfortable and just went." She laughed and shook her head sadly at the memory, she felt sorry for the man really, no one should be subjected to glares from Erik. Icy, unblinking, he could convey a lot with just a look. It was unsettling, no wonder William pegged it. "My point is, darling. You didn't have a present for me."

Erik frowned and shook his head, "I disagree."

"You would. Because agreeing with me isn't your thing."

Erik smiled down at her, "Not all the time, no." He paused, Liesel pushed hair behind her ear and despaired slightly with a light smile. "I bought you information about Schmidt."

"I meant a physical present. Like what you were just hinting at." Liesel groaned and hung her head before looking at him pointedly. "Flowers? Chocolates?" Actually, she rethought over that while eyeing Erik up and started laughing. He didn't really look like the present giving type. She took it back, information was enough. With a sigh she wiped imaginary tears from the corners of her eyes and let out a content hum. Erik just ignored her moment. Liesel scratched the back of her neck in thought though, "What if he doesn't recognise me?"

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